I mean it's alright like

The fourth entry on the series does not innovate that much but keep the most like positive points of the previous ones, it's almost a solid mid game, I like the robot masters' designs here, the charged buster is a great addition, music is not greater than 3, difficult is ok, Wire item helped me a few times but not a game changer, the plot is a high point for me, the Cossack/Protoman twist is pretty well developed, Willy stages were a little bit of forgettable, the weapons are one of the best on the series. Overall, a truly Mega Man game.


Retro Yearly List #1 [1972: Pong]

Well, it's PONG.
I could've rated this 5 stars for its innovation at the time, or 1 for not being so good for today's standards, so I think a solid 2.5 is a fair rating.

Fun game, had a pretty good time with it, story mode is alright but nothing special, but can't deny this is the weakest point of these series.

One of the worst experiences I've had in life

I liked the NES version a bit more than the Arcade one, the difficulty is on point, the graphics are nice and overall that port is great, but unfortunately, level 2 was cut out. Also this version introduced the timeless iconic DK theme song on the menu, so that's a plus.

Retro Yearly List #8 [1982: Pitfall!]

I was not aware of Pitfall franchise being born in Atari, the first time I saw it was on SNES, later I discovered that this is a pretty iconic title for Atari players back in the day and one of the "must try" of the console.

For me, playing it for the first time, it's an ok game, the controls are nice, it's just a little bit repetitive. It has similar mechanics to the original DK but with a different approach, you have to collect all treasures spread along several screens before the time runs out, you can go to the right or to the left, or by the underground to travel faster through the screens.

The objective is not clarified by the game so imagine discovering that by yourself without any tip, at least this was the case here in Brazil, it seems that this game's ending was an urban legend, people used to just try to survive for 20 minutes while randomly walking through the several screens.

The actual challenge is tough, to beat it you have to almost have a perfect run, you can see TAS videos beating it in about 17/18 minutes, and an average player is supposed to beat it in 20, that's insane.
Didn't accept the challenge tho, as I used save states.

A good enjoyable time with a few little control response problems that could be annoying sometimes, but overall, it's a nice game.

This isn't just a game, this is an entire experience.
I was not too much into Metroidvania games and then I tried this without any expectation, it became one of my favorite games of all time and brought me into the genre, now I'm seeking for similar adventures and I can't wait for Silksong.
I've done all 112% in my first run and now I'm beating the game again, then I'll aim to master the game on Steam, and this is the first time a game instigated me to do that. Masterpiece.

My favorite one from the classic series due to being the first one I've played, a pretty solid game that added the slide mechanic that changed the franchise forever, the music is awesome, the Robot Masters choices are of one of the best of the series, Shadow Man is badass and Proto Man first appearence was pretty nice also, I just think that the Doc Robots were unnecessary implemented here, since their addition is just boring and blank.Overwall, it's a great entry to the franchise.

Mega Man 5. I used to confuse this game stuff with 4 because I could barely recall unique things from those two, unlike the other NES entries which have a stronger identity. Now I can remember 4 well, but most of it is because of Minus Infinity I think, and 5 still have some lacking for me, I believe it's the lack of innovation or new mechanics, besides a much better charged buster shot than the previous one. Played it again and still was the least memorable run for me so far, the same goes for its OST, which is just alright. But is not bad, it's just too average, a truly Megaman game for sure.

Innovate game, brilliant idea, awesome lore that keeps you instigated keep going until the end.

Retro Yearly List #6 [1980: Missile Command]

Ok, I was not expecting too much of that one, but after some time it really caught my attention. The concept looks very simplistic at first, but after trying it I could see a bunch of different mechanics which work very well. Like for example, the side silos shoot slower than the middle one, the smart bombs that require more precise shots, etc. If you wanna chase a great score you have to understand the game on a deep level and use strategies to survive. Btw, have you noticed that, in that game, you are just trying to delay the inevitable decimation of your cities? You're all doomed anyway, sad story.

Retro Yearly List #3 [1977: Combat]

For a game released in 1977, this is pretty well made, I can imagine the good reception by the players since at the time they were having fun with simple games like Pong and Breakout, it truly brings the real experience of the 1x1 using cool stuff like tanks and planes, must have been pretty fun playing it with your friends.

Retro Yearly List #2 [1976: Breakout]

Breakout, right? Pretty ahead of its time, inspired a lot of newer games, nice game to spend some time on, they really improved from Pong's idea, and I personally found it far better (and more challenging). Game has a lot of different modes to ty out like turn the bricks into invisible, catch the ball mode and Breaktrhu mode, pretty fun I'd say