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1 day ago

Jen019 completed Death's Door
Allright so this game is good right. Made by the same people that made Titan Souls. So i really am lazy in my explanations and games and there is a reason for that. i am lazy i said it right in the start. But this games deserves to be played and explored at your own pace no need to rush oh get frustrated at it and such. Take your time and you will beat it and unlock all of its secrets and remember don't be afraid to be lost and wander and don't resort for the guide unless its like 100% the game or those 50 [REDACTED] to collect. I have 1 gripe with the game and that it needed no matter how obscure it needed a map, just something very simple not looking for something very detailed something very slight or better yet just get the wind to guide you if you are really stuck. But that's just a minor gripe i have with the game. It doesn't impact it's score just because of it.
Anyway i even forgot what i was writing about just go and play it and play Titan Souls as well, kino game.

1 day ago

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