Not huge into JRPGs so feel like there's a lot of systems or mechanics I didn't fully understand. I can definitely tell the combat was meant to be turn based.

The last stretch of this game was brutal. Non-stop bosses. But, I enjoyed the ride. Story. Characters. Action. Twists and turns. All top notch.

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Charming game that fails to deliver on the story it tries to tell.

Harold represents how a lot people feel in life. Just going with the tide, stays away from trouble, stuck in the monotony of everyday life. That's what attracted me to this game.

The games main message was finding a place to call home and not being so quick to judge people because they all have their own problems.

Sadly, we spend the whole game chatting with characters that are all passive aggressive with no character development until half way through the game, you deliver old letters to them, then, suddenly, they have a new perspective on life. It seems all very elementary and had me cringing a lot of times. The only character development Harold has is when he helps the Lightkeepers and then when the alien arrives. I would much rather the characters start off passive aggressive then the more you talk to them, the more you learn and found out their going through a lot as they open up to you.

I was hoping the game would pick up steam after the Alien arrived but it's more of the same boring running back and forth. Hardly any puzzles.

Ultimately, the game tries to come off as deep by using big words. But, it's very much a surface level story and gets very cheesy at times.

I agree with everyone else. Probably the best ChillasArt game. Loved the twist ending as well.

The adult Fusion Frenzy. What a great party game.

I finally got around to playing this "legendary" game. Does it live up to the hype?

It some areas yes, and in others I was disappointed. This game shines the most in the open ended ways to get though situations. The game throws seemly impossible situations at you but most of the time there's another way if you look around. The story has a lot of layers. On the surface, you are stopping terrorists, fighting against a malevolent organization, saving the world from a virus, uncovering the illuminati. But, it gets deep, talking about not only real world issues but arguably the biggest ones that's shaping everything about our civilization and giving us a glimpse of how it works and where it's taking us. I haven't seen any other game come close to this in terms of a story that has so much real world content in it.

Sometimes things can get a bit overwhelming, though. You'll have 5 people calling you in a row talking about things while you are in the middle of fighting. A few areas of the game are complete BS. I had no clue how the game wanted me get past certain parts. So, I had to basically brute force my way through.

I loved all the different locations around the world you visit. Highlights for me were Hong Kong and the underwater base. Paris would have been cool to explore without worrying about being seen. I didn't get to explore it as much as I'd like.

Also, it's also worth mentioning, I played on realistic difficulty as I was told that was the best way to play the game. Now that I've finally finished the game. I would not recommend you play on realistic for your first playthrough. You really have to explore every nook and cranny for ammo because there's parts of the game if you don't have much ammo, you are basically screwed. I spent days on parts that only should have taken minutes.

With that being said, amazing game. I can see why so many regard this as the best game of all time.

I expected to get an epic Star Wars story with badass combat and just an all-around fun game. While it delivered on the epic story. The combat was absolutely horrible. It was so horrible, I quit the game at the last level.

I'll try to explain the issue. So, there's a delay almost after everything. A combo, dodging, getting up after getting knocked down. I believe the delay comes from animations. You swirl your sword after a combo, you stay on the ground and take forever to push yourself up, after you dodge there's a half a second where you can't move. The delay leaves you open to getting attacked. On top of that, you can't move while using your force to sling objects, so there's another point where you can't move. You can't land a combo and dodge quickly back. You are constantly caught by missile barrages that stun lock you.

I just don't have time to spend on games like this anymore. I've got too many games on my backlog that I could be playing instead.

The Force Unleashed disappointed me, especially since I heard it was one of the GOAT Star Wars games.

The atmosphere is what makes this game. It's done very well. You can never tell if it's just the old house creaking or something else. The use of the black censor bars are surprising scary. Not knowing what could be behind them really has an effect.

First Xbox review? Well, this game impressed me. Kept everything feeling fresh with the different locations you travel. The characters were goofy and turned all the pirate stereotypes up to 11.

Also, I appreciate the game trying to solve some of the issues with 3D platforming with different modes for walking; one for slow where you can't fall off edges and the other a full-on sprint. But, I found the threshold between the two a little too sensitive.

This game also tried to implement combos for the fighting but I found myself just spamming the X button until I could use an ultimate power.

I really enjoyed what I played. Sadly, half-way through the game one of my crewmates glitched into a wall and I needed them for a puzzle.

I played this expecting a generic Elder Scrolls clone. What I got was much more. This is better than anything Bethesda has released in the last 10 years.

Interesting little game. One of those that you've gotta be in the right mood to play. I'll return to it, for sure, in the future!

Was a little preachy and had me laughing at times. But, overall, I really enjoyed the choices and how all the stories overlapped.

The definitive Bladerunner game. The atmosphere is everything.

I used to play this all the time in the days of early flash games. Straight 5 out of 5 game right here.

The demo was pretty good. Very creepy. I hope it stays in the 'home invasion' genre and doesn't go paranormal.