The demo was pretty good. Very creepy. I hope it stays in the 'home invasion' genre and doesn't go paranormal.

Short but good. Made me crave more horror games about aliens. Alien horror still feels fresh in the genre.

Great concept and would love to see it expanded into a full game.

It's hard to dislike this game since it reminds me so much of Medievil (my favorite PS1 game). The levels were fun and really enjoyable, none overstayed their welcome. Movement felt perfect for a 3D platformer. Gameplay was varied, one minute you'll be fighting skeletons on foot, the next youll be riding a minecart or a boat. Really helped the game stay fresh. The art direction is insanely good, with each level having a distinct feel and style. The 4th wall breaking sense of humor was funny. The music, especially the graveyard level, straight from Medievil. Not a long game but it's a game that will be fondly remembered by me.

Now, the negatives. Like I said before, the 4th wall breaking sense of humor was great but it did get tiring after a while considering EVERY character talks that way. I felt like most of the boss fights had the same mechanics (even though the boss designs were super good). ALSO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP MAKING ME READ DIALOGUE WHILE IM IN THE MIDDLE OF A BOSS FIGHT OR NEEDING TO DODGE ATTACKS.

Hand-drawn wacky point and click game masterfully done. Sadly, I heard it had some issues with the publisher releasing the game too early. Shelving it, for now. Look forward to returning after a patch.

Much better than Missing Children in my opinion.

My first Chilla's Art game. I loved the atmosphere, the weird characters, doing detective work and finding clues. But, I was expecting it to be a bit longer, I guess.

No reviews for the Xbox version?... Well, I just spent the last week playing this with friends, passing the controller around after each level. Such a bat shit crazy game. I was impressed by how many enemies they could load on the screen at once.

By the mid-way point you will be thinking "What the fuck am I playing?" in the best way possible.

Yagrum Bagarn is my spirit animal.

I quit playing after I heard the pirate song. If you know then you know.

I never had a Nintendo 64 growing up so I never got the play the 3D Zelda games many fans consider "The Classics" when they released. I always knew I wanted to go back and play them, though.

Fast forward to today, I finally sat down and gave this game a playthrough...

I've gotta say, this game perfectly highlights what Nintendo does well. The quirky cast of characters, the interesting story with a big twist near the end, the unique fun dungeons (that actually feel like dungeons) full of puzzles, traps, and monsters. Then, at the end you are rewarded with a badass boss fight, each one with their own mechanics you have to learn to defeat them. Nothing overly complex, just enough to give your brain that little "Ah-ha" moment.

The traveling back and forth between time left a big impact on me. I kept thinking about it. Not only because it's a big part of the story but also because the first time you travel back to the past you hear the happy music playing again, happy characters dancing in the castle courtyard. Almost like, when you are a kid, you have no worries, everything is great, you are oblivious to the world, just a stupid, happy little kid. But, as you get older, you have a different perspective on the world, things start to change, and you find yourself longing for the past.

Playing Ocarina of Time in 2023 as an adult gives a whole new meaning to Zeldas' last words to Link...

"Now, go home, Link. Regain your lost time! Home... where you are supposed to be. The way you are supposed to be."

Don't we all want to go home, Zelda. Don't we all...

So, who is the Poké man? Is he like the leader of them all?

My first Diablo game and I'm having a blast.

The definitive Harry Potter game. Nailed the magical feeling and atmosphere. There's still so much to do after the story. A perfect game to return to on a rainy cozy day.