
The suicide mission.
‘nuff said.


Childhood memories the videogame. I actually have a weird attachment to this game - although it isn’t my favourite game from my childhood it fills me with nostalgia as not only as the first Lego-game I owned but also because I have very profound memories playing this game at my friends house while his mother was really sick. I know that sounds morbid but the ability for a game to make him forget about what was happening in the real world and give me my friend back for a bit by escaping into the world of Lego Batman sticks with me to this day, even if I was just along for the ride. Thank you Lego Batman.


Lego Batman but better.



No, but seriously what a great game - the environmental storytelling through fiery woods and Knuckles cockiness stealing the chaos emeralds; then learning of Eggman’s betrayal and subsequent team-up is all done without any dialogue and it’s conveyed amazingly.


In hindsight the game is pretty lacking outside of the initial level in terms of the titular idea ‘go fast’. However, subsequent entries, especially the 2d ones, only improve on these ideas. As such the game is a fine experience that has barebone mechanics.


Great game but not entirely for me. The open world aspect is my favourite part of the game - travelling and finding stuff in every crevice but the gameplay and subtle storytelling (which even when I watched YouTube videos on it didn’t feel that compelling) aren’t my cup of tea; I really feel like there should be a parry mechanic as some bosses like Malenia feel like a Sekiro boss in a Datk Souls esque game. The bosses have amazing designs but fighting them feels somewhat boring.

This review contains spoilers

Loved everything about this game, it would get 5 stars or a 10/10 if it wasn’t for the last 10 minutes. I found the last cutscene where Maruki is a taxi driver, Kasumi barely says goodbye and Akechi seemingly miraculously survived disrespectful and a cop out. It doesn’t ruin the game for me but it does leave a sour taste in my mouth…


One of my favourite narratives if not my favourite narrative of all time with a great cast and OST. However, the side quests are its biggest letdown - unlike Automata almost all of these are 2010 fetch quests with no unique elements that hamper the experience to me.

My favourite part about this game is the side quests ironically because they don’t feel like sidequests at all. The amount of detail and unique ost’s is amazing and something I see few other games rarely do. Especially, when the story, characters, gameplay and setting and all top notch

My favourite, and what I believe to be the greatest, overall, game.

The Goat.

While I consider Red Dead Redemption 2 to be the greatest game of all time; I consider this to be the best DLC of all time. The only thing holding it back is the fact that it’s entirely reliant on the three previous games and their DLC, however, this is also its greatest strength. It cannot be played on its own but as a piece of fan service and narrative I consider it to be the best.


I have replayed this game more times than I can remember and that says a lot about a game for me. It is definitely in part due to the fact that I used to play it once every year with my mate when I went round for a sleepover but damn did I have fun exploring all the 9 different areas with their own gimmicks and themes. The gameplay is very solid and even the minecarting which I would usually hate in other games was fun here. This is definitely one of my favourite platformers and games of all time with precious memories that I’ll cherish forever.

Good game and a piece of pop culture.


Great highs, disappointing lows the video game. The OST, boss fights and world-building are really good however the characterisation, combat and side-quests (especially in the second-half of the game) feel lacking and never really manage to live up to when you do fight bosses in climactic moments. The game is consequently very jarring as one minute you will be fighting Bahamut in space, and the next you’ll be helping settle an argument in a village - it feels inconsequential and the lack of invested interest in a lot of the sidequest characters doesn’t help. As for the main characters: I love Clive, I think he is one of the best protagonists in the FF series and definitely one of the best we’ve had for a while but, Joshua, Cid and Jill who are all basically party meme bees feel under-cooked. Take for instance Jill, her mission to the Iron Kingdom felt like a nothing-burger to me, I had no vested interest there because they never showed me what happened to her, she only vaguely talked about it being an awful place. Moreover, throughout the story she never really develops - she isn’t awful just very bland and stays pretty static and in the background which is pretty crazy considering she’s a main and probably the part member most in the game. Joshua and Cid have their problems too but some of these can be excused because they do have actually quite a few emotional moments in the game and are in it much less, especially as party members.


Good introduction for zombies, amazing campaign okay multiplayer. For it’s time the multiplayer is okay but nothing amazing. This game jogged so the Black Ops zombies formula could run.