yeah they knocked it out of the park with this one

This game is really silly and fun and also David Wise is a fucking genius btw

This game fucking rocks, at almost no point does it show any sort of age. Planet Zebes feels like such a cool complete world to explore, way more than the last two games did, and everything looks great and it's genuinely exciting to explore and find even things that felt menial in the first two games like missile upgrades. Initially planned on playing this over the course of the next week or two but couldn't put it down.

This game is so cute to look at but god damn why does every single action end your dash and then it's so hard to start dashing again it makes moving around feel like such a slog. The little green bird is my new best friend though.

4.5 star game -1 star for the fucked up dashing but +0.5 for Pitch

The characters in this game are so awesome I really like mallow

When I was a kid I would actively die on purpose in an attempt to break every single bone in my body

There's more than one fun character in this one

The physics honestly also feel great, it definitely fixes almost any problem I had with the first game.

Great game, but you can definitely tell the original had some inherent flaws. There were like three times where looking for a Metroid felt like bashing my head against a wall but other than that it was a super fun experience the whole way through

You win Nintendo, it may have taken 100 fucking tracks but I’ll give your stupid Mario Kart game 5 stars

I’m gonna be real, I actually enjoyed this one quite a bit for some reason. I thought it would be just like super Mario kart, which it is, but it’s kinda like that but better in every way. This was the last Mario Kart game I hadn’t played and surprisingly enough, it didn’t disappoint. This game has a lot of charm in the music and tracks and art, I especially love the character sprites.

I can’t tell what I think of this game. Like it’s Animal Crossing and I like Animal crossing but I feel like there’s so many options on what to do in this one and all of them are a bit too cumbersome to be worth doing.

I once claimed that if 3D world wasn't slow as shit it would be amazing and it turns out I was completely right

The whole reason this was cool was because you played as the actual toy cars on cool maps that were properly scaled, every time they try to make a new game they just forget to do this part