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weh reviewed The Outer Worlds
i'd really have to struggle to come up with something i liked about this game. i got right up to the final area before the idea of continuing felt so fatiguing that i dropped it. i connected with none of the characters, found none of the conflicts or plot hooks compelling, and the gameplay was unremarkable. they can't all be bangers, but just go play pentiment instead. it's proof that obsidian can still make a great game when they're not trying to rehash a former success that got memed to death

9 days ago

9 days ago

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10 days ago

maradona reviewed Golf With Your Friends
Perfectly encapsulates the timeless conundrum, of what I like to call the Golf With Your Friends Skill Check, or the "GWYFSK" as its popularly known worldwide.

If I beat you, its because you don't have friends, so you never actually played golf with them to get good at.

If you beat me, its because but you don't have friends, so you spent hours practicing in this game just by yourself.

What side of the GWYFSK do you fall on?

10 days ago

weh followed jordypickles

11 days ago

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