Such a fun and unique idea, that unfortunately does not stick in my head as a fun time. I try playing this game every few months and hit a hurdle after a few hours where I realize I am no longer enjoying it. Not a bad game by any means, but not my taste.

Honestly, I have nothing but amazing feelings towards this game. I went in expecting a fun little Souls clone (what really drew me in was the unique weapons swap mechanic), and walked out with a game that fully understood the Souls formula and exactly how to improve upon it. Absolute 10/10 and cannot wait for the DLC/sequel.

A fun romp through a LEGO game, arguably the best one. Very fun time, but was definitely wearing me down by the end.


Easily the best roguelike I have ever played. The structuring of everything, the writing, weapons, boons, everything is amazing. Very little to complain about, and no real complaints currently come to mind!

A great one and done game. I had a great time playing through it, some of the design choices truly make the game feel epic in scale. For all it's glory, however, I have absolutely no desire to go back to the game at any point in the future, currently. Very little replayability to me.

Almost at the end, and lost desire to play due to other games coming out during my play cycle. Will certainly come back to this game later on. I lost myself in this game for a week straight. Amazing gameplay loop, very fun making steps towards progression, fun story told through the world. Strongly recommend for survival enthusiasts.

Phenomenal game, comparable to Animal Crossing, with a core focus on building your perfect island. Has some stronger notes (Total restructuring of area, better gameplay loop) but some weaker notes (Cast diversity is a little weak, some characters feel like shells of themselves) than Animal Crossing, but overall a great time.

Previously retired, coming back for rework of loot season

A very fun hack-and-slash game, complete with a good, if not slightly underwhelming, story. The weaker parts are present, but easily compensated by the stronger aspects.