Log Status






Time Played

20h 8m

Days in Journal

5 days

Last played

January 4, 2023

First played

December 31, 2022

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I played this as part of the LEGO Harry Potter Collection. The game takes a different approach to characters where instead of using different ones to solve puzzles, you learn new spells throughout the years from your classes. Some characters have specific powers but they'll usually be short-lived as you go back to your main Wizard of choice. However, this does have the drawback of the roster being filled with many pointless characters, like Boy, Girl and the unforgettable Bassist. The game was enjoyable overall but game-breaking bugs and glitches meant I was forever stuck on 98.3%, which for this kind of game is devastating. You'd like to think there would have been some effort to fix these bugs when they were repackaged and resold.