The art in gameplay and rewarded in cutscenes is great, but the addictive gameplay is something else entirely. Wish it was more expansive.

The more you play the merrier it gets, didn't really enjoyed at first but now its magnificient

Masterpiece. The region, the characters, all the content is full of life and QOL updates throughout. The story is more grandeuse but not as good as black and white. Played it like 5 times and I think it's time for a 6th.

Pretty short, but getting 100% was fun and I still pick it up from time to time and start from 0. Tropico but you are god basicly

Gets repetitive real quick, cool while it's new

This game is the definiton of violently mischievous

Simple yet fun get on sale and it won't disappoint you

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This happened to my buddy Eric once

Ghostbust a luigi's mental health

Masterpiece, loved it as a child, loved replaying it 5 times

Combat is fluid and tricky, but the ambient is what really comes throughout your adventure, not a single word is muttered yet you experience it and understand it generally. Wished it was longer

I really think everybody should try and finish this game, it's an absolute masterpiece and the modding community just ciments this, trans rights also

I always loved this game, but nostalgia doesn't beat the reactions of my friends when I explain the story <3