For what it is right now, it has a very strong gameplay loop that's fun to dick around with. Could be even better than Game dev when finished

Listen, I get that it was the first game in this series, but man I just didn't care for it. And I feel that's because this game is walking talking contradiction. It desperately wants to be a fast paced action game but half of the missions are slow tedious crap like escorting soldiers or trying to find all the bombs in an area. It wants to be and play super smooth but then whoops there were spikes you couldn't see there sorry! It wants to have an impressive interconnected world but nothing connects in an interesting way and it also means you'll be revisting tons of older areas more than once causing the world to ironically feel smaller. The game wants to have RPG aspects but you have to go out of your way to stop the pace of the game to do grinding (unless you're like me and just brute forced it). The worst part is that when the game is good it's fucking great. So in short I really hope the sequel is better and lives up to the potential shown here.

After it finally got on NSO I decided to play it. Pretty charming in spite of how obviously lack it is. And I honestly don't agree with people saying the controls are janky. They def have spunk but they're easy to get a hang of.

Idk guys. Yeah it's faithful to the Zelda CD-I games but that means the gameplay is extremely lacking/repetitive. And I'll be real I just didn't think this game was nearly as funny as what it's based on. That was genuine which made it funny, here it almost feels a little too try hard. Not bad at all, but man just not for me.

Dumbest game I've ever played

I think it says a lot that even just trying to do the funny haha joke speedrun is still an absolute pain because the controls are so shit

Highlight of my Nuzlocke was finally using a Solrock called sooger at the last possible moment

Really fun but man it's kind of lacking in charm and ends rather quickly

A game with awful controls but it's okay because it makes everything even funnier

A game I randomly jumped into on the deck which afterwards I just couldn't put down. So fun with great platforming, bosses and sequences. My ONE complaint is that it almost feels too short. But like, that just means I want more of it.

A mod that has some fantastic puzzles and is generally a fun romp but one that ultimately falls short in the writing and pacing department.

One of my favorite moments was when I instinctively murdered a guy asking 6.000 dollars and then that was actually what I was supposed to do.