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Played this version from the Disney Collection on the Switch. It follows all the same beats as the 16 bit console versions level by level just watered down to fit the handheld. For what it is and supposed to be, it works well enough. To be honest, it actually controls and plays better than the Genesis variation which has a ton of control bugs. It’s just hyper basic and watered down. Can be completed easily within a half hour’s time, just enough time for a car ride to your Aunt/Uncle’s house.

This is actually a review for the Game Boy variation of this game which I can not find in this log. It follows all the same beats as the 16 bit console versions level by level just watered down to fit the handheld. For what it is and supposed to be, it works well enough. To be honest, it actually controls and plays better than the Genesis variation which has a ton of control bugs. It’s just hyper basic and watered down. Can be completed easily within a half hour’s time, just enough time for a car ride to your Aunt/Uncle’s house.

To be clear. I have officially played through and completed both the SNES and Genesis versions of this game. The Genesis game has some of the most horrific controls I’ve experienced in a Sega Genesis game ever. The jump is sticky, everything has a chop to it from changing directions to short/long jumps to environmental hazards like collapsible floors, spring jumping platforms, slides, all of it has a horrible degree of separation from anything I would consider crisp, snappy, smooth and fluid. With an automatic built in rewind button present in the Disney Collection on the Switch, I bounced between the 16 bit consoles and after forcing myself to complete the Sega version of the game (a span of 4-4 1/2 hours) I fired up the SNES version to see what was different. Everything about it is the exact same game and everything about it is different. The sprites are larger. The graphics are brighter. The voice clips are way clearer, the audio entirely is superior and the controls, though still chock full of those slippery edges, performs insanely better. There’s even a few more bonus games in this one. It felt like THIS was how I was supposed to be playing it on the Genesis. Plus I played through this version in just a little over an hour. With that, I’m giving the SNES version a solid 3 but the Genesis version is a hard 1 1/2 earning that first star for being the Lion King and looking/sounding adequate. With that, grab the Disney collection, prepare that rewind trigger button and DEFINITELY play the SNES version of 1994’s The Lion King