Same as the Final Mix version just without the extra goodies

The best version of Chain of Memories

At first i found the new combat system to be weird but when i mastered with time and patient it was the most enjoyable 120h to plat i spend grinding in a game.
Ps: We dont talk about "that" boss.

Peak Kingdom Hearts gameplay, this is the definite version of KH2 where some content was missing from the Japanese release.
The post game extra boss fights are the best this game has to offer.

This game is kinda of a copy past and the card fighting style just doesnt make sense, on the other hand i find the GBA version more appealing.
If it wasnt for the story itself, the fights against the Org13 and the second playthrough was Riku this game would be even worst.

Review in Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix

I love this game so much, they mixed the two things i loved most back in the day, Disney and Final Fantasy.
An Action-Rpg filled with challegends, amazing music both original and from the Disney movies and an amazing plot filled with twists.

Not as bad as Part 1 but still a Call of Potter.

This game killed my school laptop.

Same as the Order of the Phoenix.

Not as bad as Goblet of Fire but i do find this game very boring, the wand spells and duels are cool but besides that it just drags itself to the end.

They tried to milk the movie too much that they even forgot to do a game.

The best Harry Potter game of all, the amount of exploration and puzzles in this game is just absurd.

Congrats to the developers of this remake for using the original game code. My only ick is that i miss the old and creepy artstyle.

I do find this version a mess, i like seeing Sir Dan in "semi HD" but the extreme useless humor of this game just doesnt fit it.
Also rip the original art style, this one is way too cartoonish.