There's always gonna be something special about the OG Pokemon games, 5/5 all of them.

There's always gonna be something special about the OG Pokemon games, 5/5 all of them.

Peak Castlevania right now in double.

Peak Castlevania right here ladys and gents.

It's a ok fighting game for fan service.

Peak action-adventure on ps2, the combat is amazing, the devil and equipment system make a great combination to the overall gameplay.

In my opinion one of the most underrated Castlevania games, the duo party mechanic is amazing.

We dont talk about this game

Ngl this game is one of most influential games of all time.

The first cutscene with the wolfs still makes me sh*t my pants.

One of my fav games from childhood.

This game has one of the best soundtracks for a racing game.