outdated as HELL. requires really awful grinding in the endgame

the snooker minigame is great. everything else is the worst! ever!


back when ubisoft was called Ubi Soft lmao

not very good BUT i get to scamper around as a little xenomorph!! wee yay!!! yahoo yay

when i played this game as a 14-year old in 2011 i decided it was my least favourite game of all time. i haven't played it since, although i tried darksiders 2 on the wii u cause i got it for free in a humble bundle, and i thought that sucked too.

the thing that got me first time around was the lack of original ideas. zelda dungeons, god of war combat, blue and orange portal gun (really?), and none of them compared favourably to their inspirations. nowadays i'm a lot more chill with making your inspirations visible, so i might like it better. but i might not. for now, i'm leaving it down here to memorialise the me that died around the time this came out

i dont like the 3d-style bomberman games... the multiplayer is good (as always) but the campaign is so tedious

gimli voice they call it a sequel to bomberman tournament. A SEQUEL

this game could have been great. i had a lot of fun with it while it lasted... shame what happened to it

really well-polished metroidvania. love the movement/platforming focus. map's maybe a bit Too Huge tho, and the bosses are kinda easy

turns out when you know the twist in advance, the game's writing is Very Tedious and Annoying. also like half the puzzles were kinda crap

very solid level design reminiscent of the best of half-life and halo, although it's pretty difficult in a couple spots


the idea that cats can have goals beyond their immediate needs is the truth all cat lovers understand. there is intentionality and understanding to their actions... and combining this premise with scifi that finds hope in the inhuman, you've got a recipe to Perfectly destroy me. it's so so wonderful. incredible kittygame. i cried at multiple points. my only complaint is that i wanted to see more from the cat at the ending... i want to see this baby be happy and thrive... aough

cute little demo content. short and sweet, definitely got me in the half-life itch again