Crazy soundtrack cool gameplay. whats not to like

Summon currency to hard to obtain.

great story for those with a good attention span

One of the best horror games out there to date. Barley anything comes to plat to challenge it. A great and terrifying experience through and through.

Everything i said about the first game but better.

Great game but the ending sucked and left me wanting more. I also wished for more immersive systems. That's all.

Truly a masterclass in storytelling. A great ride all the way through. A Basic premise of highschoolers is its only downfall. Other than that it truly focuses on the unspoken societal problems at the time while also keeping a good sense of drama. Definitly a recomend.

With the inclusion of the android shadow this game can only rank higher than the last one in my opinion. just cause it has edge doesn't mean it bad. Sonic really became a staple in my game experiences after I played this one.

A fine game that gets a little too much hate sometimes. Truth be told I really enjoy the concept of sonic with a sword because it switches up the formula. The storybook games had such a unique storyline that it overshadows some of the bad parts. Thats just me tho.

an okay late 80s RPG. Square was still coming into their own at the time and the dragon quest influences were still apparent to me. However, it's still a nice story about war and strife. It really gets into the sacrifices a rebelling country can make during such a time. Also, the character designs are really cool! Overall a fine time