Fun enough game, gorgeous environments but the gameplay gets stale and the story is not very cohesive. I'd rank it lowest but it's still worth playing.

Fantastic game that improves a fair bit on the gameplay of the original while falling short narratively. You have to suspend your disbelief quite a bit to follow the story of this game and several of the levels are just wild goose chases for the one thing to get you to this other thing, etc. It's not bad by any means but not as cohesive as BioShock. That said, playing as a Big Daddy and having sections on the sea floor was pretty cool. The gameplay is improved in this one by having both plasmids and guns available simultaneously and the weapon selection here is awesome (a favorite being the rivet gun). Some new enemy types too make this one more challenging imo. Some of the environments of this game were more open than the original and I appreciate the new mix of locations. All told, a good game and a solid follow up if not quite as good narratively.

This game holds up incredibly well. Rapture is unmatched as a video game environment and the devs went all out on the lore of this underwater Libertarian nightmare. The voice acting is stellar, the narrative is compelling with meaningful choices. But the best part of BioShock is the flexibility it offers the player in how to approach the combat. Between the plasmids, weapons and ammo types, the game never gets stale. My one criticism is that the gunplay is very loose by today's standards but with some adjustments to the settings it's more than playable. I beat this on Switch and the switch port runs very smooth.