I think this game out of all the Scribblenauts games fits on mobile the most

If Skate wasn't out at the time, this game would be fine. Skate was already out of the time, and it completely changed the Skateboarding scene, why would you buy this instead?

Cappy is literally a parasite and nobody talks about it

If you're really, and I mean REALLY, into the competitive scene, which I am not, you'd like this game.

I think the controls are too janky for my taste, but I can still admire Sega's effort

As someone who can't afford a physical copy of Gravity Rush Remastered right now, this is a great alternative.

It's great for people who love teamwork and potential drunk battles


I want Zagreus to crush me with literally any part of his body. I'm not gay, but holy shit is he hot

I'm not sure why I bought this

It's a shitty, Naruto licensed fighting game for the DS

Remember when Snake was advertised as the main character in so many promos and thne Kojima said "Fuck You" and made us play Raiden instead?

You're insane if you didn't shoot Face Mcshooty

I played 5 minutes and then quit because I haven't finished the first one