This is the only game I can speedrun and confidently say I'm good at

It's a shitty, Naruto licensed fighting game for the DS

A solid metroidvania/shoot-em-up! Who knew the Mummy could release something good in 2017 of all things?

It's your local average platformer/shooter/action/adventure/collect-a-thon game

It's cute and unique. As a mobile, it definitely exceeded my expectations. It's a fun and relaxing game that does get a bit frustrating time to time

I played throughout the entire game and got Ending S in Daisy Dukes, Booty Shorts, and a Servbot Mask. This game rules

This game fucking slaps. It shouldn't, but it does

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I shitted my pants when Snake murdered Otacon

Somehow, I thought this game was praised by most people. Did not know people didn't like it.

You can't do much to improve a Pac-Man game anymore than this one did

It's the last numbered game before five, which was absolutly horrendous. THPS4 is a lotta fun, but out of the 4 numbered THPS games at the time, it was definitely the lesser. It's still good, just not as good as 1, 2, or 3!


This the game I use to relax. I love listening to the snow fly by as a ski down a huge mountain