If you're looking for the perfect physics based skateboarding game to just fuck around with, then you should play Skate 3 but this one's a good contender

This is what RE4Remake is to RE4, besides the whole Remake part. Feels like a new game, but it really isn't!

The only way to describe this game is as a horny atrocity

I was disappointed. I guess I was expecting more but it's fine I guess

It's a wack Max Payne clone that is better when you think about it, but worse in comparison.

I love shooting people in public places and murdering people and sending bomb threats to strangers and stabbing people and hiding bodies....

If only this game could evolve into something playable 😔

This game is like a baby. It's cute when you look at it but the more you think about them the more scared you become

Little Adventure on the Prarie is taking a little adventure down the toilet

If you are still playing this game, please for the love of god don't start selling shit on Nookazon. It ruined my whole experience.

It's good at being what it wants to be... a spy puzzle game for VR

Sometimes I think about this game and get... relaxed?