This is WAAAAY better than the DS version (which isn't very hard to do), but it is just a shitty Icarly licensed WarioWare clone

Clunky pile of clunk. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's sucks ass. There's a lot of good, but a ton of bad too, which sucks because I like where they were going with this game.

edit: It took me about 2 years after rage quitting, and I can proudly say that this is a steaming pile of garbage. I spent two hours on some random stage, then I spend 3 minutes fighting the final boss. That is absolutely insane

Would've been better as a pack-in for the Wii, but that's Wii Sports' job, and look which one is remembered more fondly.

Who knew EA could publish something good?

As a Hitman game, it looks and feels like a Hitman game

It doesn't work too well with the rogue-like elements but it's alright

I bought this game because of a youtuber as a joke but I didn't expect to dislike as much as I did

0/10 stars because you can't have 8 deluxe Mario's in one kart what a shitty name

If the genre of fighting games had a family tree, this is the weirdo fucking cousin with no branches attached to it. It's just fuckin there