Yes this is fire. So much fun


The cat is cute I guess but it was just kinda okay?

super fun. with mods its even better

slapped. i loveddd the sort of washed out vibe the game has and SONIC THE HEDGEHOG!!!

i was so excited for this because of the chinese setting but it turned out to be the most mid soulsgame ever

its so fucking boring and the character designs are so lame

i mean i guess its alright. passes as an open world

used to get my mom to help me with the levels i had problems with LOL

my favorite part of this game was unlocking luigi

lots of memories of bringing my 3ds with me everywhere i went to play this

its pretty fun imo but got kinda stale

story is such a snooze fest but the gameplay is pretty fun. collectibles like the suits are also so mid compared to sm1