not really a game honestly, but besides that this is really fun to go in blind

horde shooters are not 100% my thing, but l4d2 does it so incredibly well

this game is still getting updates, but right now i dont see myself playing for longer then 1 run

Never had so much fun in an action game since i was a little kid.

Great world design, story is very interesting and there is alot of content in here in general, only thing that kinda turned me down was the poor performance and how comically edgy some characters are.

Compared to D6 this was an improvment in every single way, the story in this is arguably even worse then most of the other games, which is fine, but some characters in here are just annoying to see and hear, some minus points for the nerfed item world tho and a kinda underwhelming dlc cast

The story is actually so dumb, but this did not hinder the game at all imo, the main thing about these games is just the insane stats you can get on your characters and grinding, if you dont like grinding for minor stat improvements, then do not play this game, but as someone who loves these types of games this is probably the most perfect game for that specific itch.

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This game is an indie gem, i love exploring the world, one of the rare games i could actually immerse myself into the world, but besides all the praise i could give this game, the endings felt really.... ok-ish?

For a roguelike that is also an fps this is actually really solid, the movement is kinda slow and floaty, but you get used to it pretty quick, its also not as hard as most other roguelites, its nothing really mind blowing but the content that excists is really solid

free to play vampire survivors with a really solid cast of unique characters, the game is still not fully out, but the content that excists is really good.
I do not like hololive at all, but this game can still be enjoyed for people who do not know anything about hololive.

If this game had more polish, bugfixes and just a better combat and movement system this could easily be on the same level as terraria, but since the devs abandoned it its sadly stuck in the state it is, which is a hugeee shame honestly since there is so much in this game that makes it stand out from the rest.

One of the most replayable games ever made imo (that isnt a roguelike), the progression while slow at the start feels very satisfying and natural, and with this solid of a game as base, the modding scene on this is also next level amazing.

Not really my kind of game anymore, but I respect what this game was able to pull of with the big online events for example