To me, DDLC feels like a proof of concept on a gimmick rather than an actual game, which is why I didn't really like it. It doesn't feel conclusive and just leaves me wanting to see something different.

The game is very short and doesn't develop any of its aspects, instead sticking to surprising the player very quickly and reaching its conclusion just as fast. Even the post gimmick section doesn't get much investment.

It's the only fighting game I've ever enjoyed, unfortunately mostly playing alone or with the only person I've ever known to play the game for a few weeks. I like the artstyle and characters design and I'm really a huge fan of the fast paced movement whereas I hate the slow and sluggish movement in most fighting games. The combat is also fast paced and the card decks are a nice addition in my opinion.


Fez is a beautiful plateformer that emphasizes exploration and puzzles with a unique mechanic of rotating the camera in 3D/2D environment. The game is simply impressive on many levels, the degree of immersion and the enjoyment of exploration is at its peak and the game is full of challenging puzzles. Some of the last puzzles are almost impossible or require a heavy amount of investment (such as learning how to read the in-game alphabet) but most of the game is fairly balanced, with backtracking being the only issue until you get used to the game's map.

The controls are a little on the stiff side and quite be annoying from time to time, especially when you've revisited an area dozens of time but need to backtrack to a puzzle, however it's a minor nitpick. It takes about ten hours to complete most of the game (excluding the hardcore puzzles), so it's not a very long game. The same as Tunic, Fez ultimately provides a truly enjoyable experience of discovery.

Perhaps one thing that I really didn't appreciate is that one part of the game is locked behind getting the first ending and the game gives no clue in that regard. Starting NG+ will unlock a new feature and requires you to backtrack all over the place once again until you realize what you can use it for and considering this happens pretty late, it's easy to skip and forget checking some things and not making the required connections.

A short and fun plateformer with quite the fast pace, it has beautiful linear levels and great music. The challenge is pretty lackluster but completing the levels is still very fun.

It's a fun game and a good concept but it overstays its welcome without adding anything new. The game up to chapter 3 is alright but the last chapter is too much of a grind.

This game has a very pleasant atmosphere about nothingness, which I'm surprised isn't mentionned more often. While the story is very minimalistic, the few moments of it are pleasant to go through. The dialogue is well written and the pixel portraits are awesome.

The game's main flaw is how quickly it becomes repetitive because everything major is unlocked early on. It's also easy to discover most possible combinations of cards, so the game gets stale. I honestly feel like the game just... stops. You've discovered everything, you HAVE finished it. Sure, there's a few cards requiring a lot of grind to unlock but you have seen 95% of the content, you have unlocked all classes and base facilities, you are at the last chapter and the next ten or twenty hours are a repeat of the exact same thing. At that point, the game feels incomplete, the gameplay loop starts falling apart.

It doesn't help that the game is very RNG oriented and there's little skill you can develop overtime and there aren't that many strategies either. Perhaps the worst part is the extremely punishing death penalty which slows down your progress, making it a serious grind to beat the final level.

The game is also so slow! Seriously, the maximum speed needs to be raised way higher. Too much of the playtime is just wasted looking at the screen while you can do nothing and there isn't even much in the way of animations to look at.

A mediocre game that fails at fundamental levels. I think the game doesn't understand what it needs to do to be relaxing. Constantly having the camera taken away from me when I talk to a character doesn't feel relaxing, it's stressful and annoying. The incredibly slow pace of walking isn't relaxing, it's extremely frustrating. There's no jumping or anything either to do when you walk from place to place, nor much to see after you've been through an area once or twice.

The concept of finding animals is cool, but underdevelopped and there isn't much else to the game.


This is the type of game where I think everything I could say has probably been said already and agreed on by most people. Tunic is a very solid throwback at old school zelda and a very fun game to go through, culminating in one of the best video game puzzles I've ever seen and I'll never forget it.

I think combat sucked, though. Giving the bosses the ability to dodge with i-frames. made every encounter infuriating. It's also a shame that some areas were inaccessible into the second part of the game and weren't integrated in it, cutting the game a little shorter of what it could have been.

It's a OK puzzle plateformer.

I just can't stand this game and its dullness when I've done similar jobs in real life. Hell it was way more interesting in real life, I'm not stuck with the same generic and very limited information so I can actually learn stuff going through someone's files.

So I sure don't work for the soviet governement but I absolutely can't relate to this game one bit. We also made tough calls from time to time but I can't relate it to this game.

I really can't get into this type of gameplay.

On the metroidvania side it's nothing amazing, the level design is somewhat bland but okay. The boss fights on another hand are really well done and the game is a solid mix of your typical metroidvania boss fight combined with bullet hell elements.

The bullet hell gameplay is very well made with great visuals, catchy music and great boss fights. However the pacing of the game is completely destroyed by requiring exploration (which takes more than half your playtime) and a pretty boring story that feels machine translated. If I could play a boss rush mode that removes the exploration entirely, I'd give this game four stars.

Incredible mix of metroidvania and Zelda 2. This is one of the best plateformer RPGs I have ever played and my favorite, even when compared with games like Hollow Knight.

It can be a frustratingly hard game but not because it require extreme gaming skills or anything. Its difficulty has meaning and if you can go past it it's an unforgettable experience. Truly a magical game.

The gameplay is messy, the level design is just awfully boring. It's not a very interesting game even though the original concept sounds cool.

The gameplay is horrendously boring, I was fooled into thinking this is like Roadwarden but there's very little text and most of the game time is doing boring grinding on the spaceship map as you do tasks. It's very tedious dragging the dice/items to the box, and then you have to wait a few seconds for no other reason than they put a useless animation of a loading bar.

The writing part was very disappointing, the text is very sparse and never goes into anything detailed. The characters feel flat and boring, everything also seems very black and white. The game pretends to have mystery but five minutes after learning of them, you're given the answer to those riddles. It also can't shut up about its intrigues with a lot of question marks (Hey you noticed this was a mystery? What's gonna happen? Is this a bad guy????). The choices are also pretty much useless, their only purpose is to get additional info from time to time (mostly useless and boring) or will result in the same outcome, no matter your choices. Everything also seems self contained, no interaction between quests at all which quickly makes the game feel empty.

I also don't like the art it doesn't fit the atmosphere at all imo. This is like a wannabe roguelite but without what makes a roguelite fun, not at all a text focused game like I've been sold.