28 Reviews liked by Kazeaje0x

esse jogo é inteligente demais pro seu próprio bem. uma tendência em relação aos meus gostos é uma certa aversão ao game design hiper-higiênico, e apesar de eu estar sempre fugindo do dogmatismo e tentando ser sempre mente aberta pra tudo, é algo que surge no inconsciente -- e mesmo que Wario Land 3 não seja esse o caso, ele possui aspectos de um jogo que quer demais, consegue demais e também cansa demais.

algo que me fascina nessa série é o quão experimentais são os jogos, cada sequência é uma interpretação diferente da jornada do Wario (até o então) e gosto bem mais disso do que da abordagem de sequências iterativas.

Wario Land 3 é um metroidvania dividido em fases selecionáveis -- cada fase tem 3 baús e 8 "moedas musicais", sendo os baús os objetivos principais. cada baú contém um tesouro que na maioria das vezes libera um mapa novo ou algum power-up, e é aqui que entra a parte de metroidvania: todas as fases são pensadas milimetricamente pra funcionarem seguindo os limites do corpo de Wario e os eventos do mundo (porque a maior parte dos tesouros que liberam fases causam alguma alteração no mundo do jogo, que se passa dentro de uma caixinha de música)

sim, é isso mesmo. Wario Land 3 é um isekai onde o Wario precisa reconquistar seus poderes pra progredir pelas fases, e é engraçado como o jogo ignora toda a proposta do Wario Ser Um Viciado Em Moedas porque toda a riqueza material dele tá na busca pelos tesouros.

conceitualmente? esse jogo é genial. Mas sua genialidade me cansa -- pensar que, mesmo com sua liberdade de atravessar entre as fases, tudo em relação à progressão mecânica envolve uma série de atividades ordenadas de uma forma extremamente burocrática que parece que não acaba nunca...

...felizmente ainda é Wario! bom jogo, fico feliz que esse jogo exista e seja dessa forma mas fico feliz também que não vou mais precisar joga-lo.

"Completing" would mean to reach some kind of ending, right? I did no such thing, but I traveled many worlds, saw many strange things. I can't forget the girl perched on the roof. Still remember some great OSTs. The silver lining with these games hinges upon the soundtracks and the atmospheres being good. This nails a lot of such locations, but maybe its magnitude is also its weakness.

the picture is how ants look up at you when you lift up a rock

Allow me to give credit where credit is due: The concept behind Pokémon Go is great and it not only succeeded in turning Pokémon into a global sensation a second time around, but it actually managed to get nerds like me out of the house. That is an accomplishment.

But it strips away a lot of things that make Pokémon interesting in the process, which does make it more accessible, and also far less enjoyable. Not to mention the fun factor drops off a steep cliff if you don't live in metropolitan areas (read: a lot of people). At least it's a little easier to get by if there's a church every two minutes up the road (read: me). And of course, it's got all the usual trappings of mobile game garbage. It was neat when it was new. I have no desire to play it any longer.

Just throwing this out there, though: This concept would be ten times cooler if it was based on Shin Megami Tensei instead. Especially with the obligatory COMP phone shells. Hop to it, Atlus.

Honestly it's tough rating this one without addressing the obvious elephant. Weatherby I believe did an excellent job summing that up. I couldn't add more other than an additional "Fuck the creator" because yeah he sucks. Shout out to you Weatherby your review was incredibly well written.

To sum up the game itself in my words. It is a product of a bygone era of games that I think most of us are fine with moving on from. Artistically it's impressive, early level design is solid but by the 2nd half of the third level it devolves into less skill based platforming and more just bullshit.

Once the bungee boss battle started I realized the game was not interested in challenging me but instead its intent was to piss me off. I enjoy challenge, I love difficulty but I don't tolerate bullshit. I 100% recommend using cheats for level skips upon death to act as checkpoints. I don't think that makes you any less for doing so as the game does not want to play fair, so why should you?

It's a bummer. I was born in 95, so this game was clearly before my time but I had an appreciation for it from a distance. The first level really set me up to believe I was going to get that great 2D platformer with that wacky 90s mascot. But it didn't last. I personally, believe unless you have nostalgia for this one it's an easy skip.

charming characters, but PLEASE please please let me progress the plot lmao. mind numbing amount of common route type fluff

A classic RPGmaker game about roaming in wierd dream worlds. May find it interesting for the first half hour, but once you try to get all the effects it gets really convoluted, slow and kinda repetitive. I'd say it's much more fun to watch someone talking about it on youtube.



TLDR: I'm a real sucker for dark and otherworldly immersive settings, and Agony is probably the one of the best games I've played at delivering that. But in every other way it's a discarded crack pipe filled with human shit.

Full review: I feel I have to defend Agony a bit, because I did get a non-zero amount of enjoyment out of it. I love the visuals in this game; it's pure, straight up Revelations-tier fucked up Christian hell. There are a few times here and there where it crosses the line into trying too hard to be edgy (any time there are fetuses on screen, for example), but for the most part I was absolutely sold on the intricately detailed and beautifully realised setting; it's probably my favourite depiction of Hell in a video game, and not for lack of competition. The music and sound design are decent too, and do lend the overall game some depth of atmosphere. The creature design is mostly decent too (although giving lots of the demons jiggling human titties was... a decision). It's not on the level of something like Scorn in the aesthetic department but, to me, it's not too far removed from that level.

Everything else though... well. If not for the aesthetics, this would easily be the worst game I'd ever played. I would comment on the story but I have no idea what it was because the writing is next-level abysmal, and not at all helped by some truly abominable VA. This confusion and unclearness trickles down throughout the gameplay itself as well; I never had any idea what my in-game goal was at any time (beyond something as granular as 'get to the bottom of the pit') or why I was doing it. When I turned my brain off and just started saying 'ok' to the game's directions, this became much easier to play. Even then, though, I frequently had no clue where I was actually supposed to go to proceed; the game has an inbuilt 'point to the next objective' button but A: this has limited uses (although you can opt to make it infinite in the options) and B: it almost never works in any of the more confusing areas where you'd actually need it.

I never had any clue what was going on with any of the 'puzzles' either; the sigil puzzles, for example, just consisted of me brute forcing them by trying every pattern I'd seen on the whole level, and I'm not even sure that that isn't the intended strategy. Agony also has a tendency of putting invisible kill planes and teleport planes (i.e. 'cross this and instantly return to the area origin' planes) in random places, sometimes just randomly in the path being given to you by the objective-finding spell. More than once I worked out the way I needed to go was behind a teleport plane, spent 10-15 minutes frantically looking round the area for any other way to proceed, found nothing but then discovered that something I had done in that time had caused the barrier to de-spawn for some reason and the game hadn't thought it'd be a good idea to let me know.

The controls are sloppy and stiff and don't at all mix with the irregular-but-regular-enough-to-be-annoying first-person platforming sections. It runs like absolute ass in some of the more detailed regions and it's pretty buggy to boot; the camera loves clipping through things in soul mode, and I managed to softlock myself out of bounds at least twice. And in some areas they even manage to undo the good work they've done on aesthetics by layering ugly and distracting filters over the whole screen and messing it all up.

So yeah, I guess the word I'd use to describe Agony at the end of the day would be 'nightmare'. It's an absolute nightmare of a game, in ways both intended and unintended. It's definitely a bad game overall don't get me wrong, the sheer brokenness here is inexcusable, but I really don't think it deserves the magnitude of scorn it has had poured upon it, and I'm willing to give it some decent extra marks for pulling off (visually at least) such a haunting and infernal setting.

>desenvolva cs:go por 10 anos
>deixe cs:go no pico de jogadores em toda sua história
>crie cs2
>faça um lançamento prematuro, cheio de bugs e incapacitando milhares de pessoas de jogar por ser mal otimizado e lagado
>tire cs:go do ar

parabéns valve

jogo muito bem feito
completo na dificuldade normal

Bom jogo com alguns problemas. O jogo poderia ser mais intuitivo e ter um sistema de mapas melhor, e poderia apresentar uma melhor variedade na jogabilidade. Em contrapartida, as músicas são excelentes; os controles funcionam muito bem; e o boss final é muito bom de se jogar contra.

São jogos como Sea of Stars que fazem eu me lembrar do porquê eu amo jogos eletrônicos e do porquê considero os mesmos a mais complexa manifestação de arte, em sua mais pura essência.

Nos proporcionando visuais estonteantes e bonitos, nos conectando diretamente às suas trilhas sonoras causadoras de sentimentos diversos, ou até mesmo nos ensinando valores importantíssimos através de mensagens e morais. Tudo isso engloba o ramo artístico, e também engloba o que é essa indústria que tanto amamos.

Acima de tudo, Sea of Stars é uma obra de arte, uma obra que baseia grande parte de suas inspirações em uma notável obra-prima do passado, mas que ainda não alcança o patamar da mesma, sim, Chrono Trigger.

É notável o carinho dos desenvolvedores em buscar entregar uma experiência ao mesmo tempo nostálgica, mas ainda pensando em um novo público que chegaria. Todas as mecânicas do jogo funcionam de maneira praticamente perfeita, sendo tudo muito intuitivo, há boas doses de desafio para os mais experientes, mas também há acessibilidade o suficiente para quem pensa em ter uma experiência casual.

E claro, não posso deixar de comentar a respeito do que é uma das mecânicas mais satisfatórias da história da humanidade: Ricochetear o Lumerangue. Por mais que eu seja horrível nisso, é uma delícia ainda assim.

Encontrar um defeito em meio a todo esse conjunto de acertos e mais acertos naturalmente seria difícil, mas ele existe.

Apesar da história ser, em sua grande maioria, bem competente, ela é comandada por dois protagonistas que ironicamente não acompanham o brilhantismo da obra como um todo, não há um desenvolvimento profundo o suficiente pra nenhum dos dois, e tanto a Valere quanto o Zale têm seus holofotes roubados por personagens que deveriam ser secundários, mas roubam completamente a cena para si, como a Serai e o Garl, que são meus personagens favoritos, inclusive, que show a parte que é o Garl, sensacional.

No mais, apesar desse detalhe em específico, Sea of Stars é maravilhoso, e valeu cada pingo de expectativa que eu criei a respeito. Não vou ficar surpreso se chegarmos a ver mais um indie fazendo barulho ao figurar entre os gigantes nas indicações a jogo do ano.

"No final, eu seria capaz de sorrir?"

bem bonito o passado de Setsumi, e explica bastante coisa do primeiro jogo

uma história tão curta e trágica mas tão cativante...