225 Reviews liked by KidKangaroo

Anybody else remember Mineplex? That was my second home as a kid.

I'd give anything to play One in the Quiver again. Or to suck ass at Survival Games.

The game where you and a group of friends play it for a week; do everything, then drop it for a year. The cycle never ends.

Just counting the days when I suddenly crave Minecraft and I play it non-stop for 2 weeks, only to drop it for half a year. This cycle will follow me til I die.

A game that had a lot to live up to. What was supposed to be the "final" game in the series had to wrap up so many things that was introduced by the ending of MGS2.

I love this game, warts and all. There's so much good in it, but there's also a ton of stuff that does not live up to its potential. The first two acts of the game are great, but essentially a tech demo for the scrapped "living battlefield" idea. Things like being able to influence a proxy war to benefit you in different ways by siding with different factions is an awesome idea. I would love to see a game realize that idea some day.

I was so hyped for this game. It was basically all I could think about during the last month or so leading up to launch. This was my summer game of 2008 that I would play every day after a really shitty day at my minimum wage job, so I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for it.

A very good game that takes the ideas of the first Uncharted and polishes them to an absurd degree. The setpieces in this game are still great to this day. It's also a game that had the whole AAA game "quiet moments where you walk around and look at stuff" trope before it started to feel really worn out.

Oh yeah, the multiplayer in this game was also surprisingly pretty good.

This game has some of the best setpieces in the series. The game suffers from levels being made first and then having the story written around it, though. At launch there were was a really bad issue with how aiming worked that made shooting a lot more difficult than it should have been. If you spun the right stick in a circle you'd get Drake's aiming movements coming out in a square, if that makes sense.

Sadly the multiplayer in this game isn't nearly as good as 2's. The time-to-kill got changed and that altered the dynamics of so many other parts of combat in a way that I didn't like.

The gameplay is fine. It has some cool ideas it doesn't really cash in on. It's cool to have an open world game in Chicago. Everything that is memorable about this game is focused around the protagonist, the story, and how tonally strange everything is.

It's very clear that Aiden's sister was originally written as his wife and there was very little done to the script to make it feel that way. I love that you can get experience points for non-lethal takedowns as tons of innocent civilians die in a horrible car crash that you caused by hacking the stoplight at an intersection. Technically it's the cars exploding killing them, not you.

An incredible sample of MGSV's gameplay with one of the best designed maps I've ever seen in a game. The side missions are all great with a lot of variety and multiple ways to approach them. I wish The Phantom Pain had side missions of the same quality as this game's.

Damn, this is a good video game. I've only played it once and have always waited in the hopes that it gets a port that allows it to run at 60fps. The janky framerate is the only real negative to what is otherwise an incredible time.

Not my favorite movement physics or level design, but it's hard to deny that this is an extremely solid platformer.

I really, really want to like this game more than I do. It's a great game made with an expert level of craft. This is really more of a 4/5. I personally cannot get into, though. I love difficult games, but there's something about the way this game goes "fuck you" to the player that really tests my patience. I also extremely dislike the dark levels.

It's a really good game where you can tell Naughty Dog wanted to take the game in a slightly different direction. It felt like the game was sometimes responding to the criticism of Uncharted games having you fight way too many guys. There are a lot more sections in this game where you are just walking around and platforming.

I think the biggest flaw for me is that these platforming segments are a little too long for how mechanically simple they are. They add a grappling hook and eventually a tool you can use to dig into certain surfaces to climb them, but it's just not enough.

I'm both annoyed that it took me so long to get into this franchise, but also glad that this is the game that I started with. Yakuza 0 is a perfect starting point, especially with how the remakes of 1 and 2 incorporated new elements from 0 into them to make the prequel game feel more natural.

Yakuza is what the later Saints Row games wish they could be. It nails the delicate balance of a mostly serious crime story with over-the-top action and extremely wacky side stuff.

Kiryu is one of the greatest game protagonists of all time. He's up there with Solid Snake.