Don't even need to finish the game to know this is a full 10/10, or 100/100, or a 5 star. It's perfect.
See ya again with an edit when I'll be done

EDIT: Yes, I was right. Absolute (pun not intended) masterpiece

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I have so many mixed feelings about this.
I LOVE every single FF out there, they're my shit, they're perfect for my little heart. But I also can criticize them and I will.
The game starts really well, setting up a very interesting story and interesting characters. It goes on by introducing Benedikta to you and I honestly grew so attached with her I had a very hard time accepting she later dies. She seems to be one of the most important characters in the entire game and she... dies. Very soon, I might add. The problem is: the game does this with every Dominant. They seem to be very important and then they only have like 3 or 4 scenes about them and it's over. For me, that's not much. The game fills the narrative holes with the logs and infos about the world, story and lore, but that's not enough for a game like this, which is held up by its plot and cutscenes. The only Dominants we get to know a little better are Joshua and Cid, none of the others.
One thing the game does wrong is focusing too much on useless and boring side quests, instead of taking the chance to make more insightful quests and cutscene about the secondary characters. It would have felt like a better and more thoroughly done story, but it just misses on the opportunity and that makes me sad.
That said, I have to add that I really liked the emotional weight this game carries, it made me tear up and cry many times and it just hits the right spots even it makes you suffer like an animal. So it's overall good as a generic game and really great as a Final Fantasy game.
(I still think japanese authors have to work a little more than this to give us a full and well done "western fantasy" experience, tho. The west and the east of the world just have different ways of telling a story).

It's an 8/10 for me

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So, this is a good game. But it wasn't "enough" for me, I mean I VERY MUCH enjoyed the story, the characters and the ending, but the side quests and the world fillers didn't really do it for me. I couldn't wait to keep on playing the main quests, while I was getting SO freaking bored with the side quests and random encounters. Also, the SLOW scenes every freaking time there was a duel, I mean come on, we get it, it's cool, samurai be like unsheath sword hehe, but it got boring after the third time I saw it, my god.
Environment was absolutely gorgeous, the foxes too.
My favourite of all: Yuna. She's the real star, I love her, I hated Shimura.

Man, this game really shows you what is behind the culture of "honor": people in power (Samurais, Shogun, etc) feed you with this concept just to keep you on your knees and keep the power for themselves. Think about it: if Jin didn't say "fuck honor", Tsushima would have been completely obliterated by the invaders and yet the Shogun be like "he SAVED us? Oh but he didn't respect power and now people are gonna start a revolution against authority! OFF WITH HIS HEAD!". Beloved Shogun, you're shitting yo pants, aren't ya

Long live Jin, fuck Shimura. I spared him just to show him two things:
1) You don't deserve your last wish to be fulfilled after you showed me how you would kill family just for an order/hierarchy
2) I'll show you what real honor is: save people and family

I don't know how to write conclusions, so bye

EDIT: I won't ever forgive you for the horse.


Absolutely adorable. Relaxing overall with some stressful situations (lmao), delightful story, but most importantly: the kitty is perfect.
I hoped for a longer ending cutscene and I wish I knew more about the world of Stray, that's why I gave it 4,5 stars

Finished ME1 story (no platinum yet)

Game freaking crashes 😭

Unplayable because it literally crashes at the same point

Mi ha fatta smattare da piccola non riuscivo a risolvere un maledetto rompicapo lol

I wish I could put a reaction meme as a review