This is so much better than kiwami 2 and I already liked kiwami 2 for what it was, this game offers superior combat and a better atmosphere, not to talk smack on kiwami 2's ost but I think this game has the better music choices so it gets an additional point for that. 100%-ing this game is a hassle however, so if you're planning on doing so, good luck.

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I spent hours doing all the community quests only to watch the said community fuckin DIE

peak tbh

I love and hate this game. It is stretched out for no reason, some side activities are a chore. Why did I still rate it 5 stars? Well, the fact that each city is distinct from one another and carry different vibes is one of the few reasons why. The combat has been improved vastly from 3&4 and it is satisfying as HELL. The story is something I feel like you should go through twice to fully appreciate it. The finale of this game is easily the best in the series and will make you glad that you sat down and played it to the end. Thumbsup.

I did not expect to like this game since I'm not a big fan of crime dramas but HOT DAMN is this game GREAT OR WHAT? EXCELLENT COMBAT, EXCELLENT STORYLINE, EXCELLENT BOSS FIGHTS, EXCELLENT SIDE CONTENT. Big Big Biiiiig Thumbsup to yakuza 0.

It's the same as yakuza 0 in terms of the minigames you can play(But they took out the best one, the disco minigame...), the combat has slightly been improved upon and by slightly I mean reeeally slightly. Few of the bosses in this game were really forgettable. Kiwami's story is not as great as 0 but it's still good and it made me cry. Thumbsup.

Yeah this is a revolutionary game and all but it is so bad with the rigged AI and all, not to mention the game's so janky with input delay that'll leave you questioned quite a lot of times, 3D games were off to a rough start when it comes to FGs it seems

Tekken 7 was already one of my most played games, this will certainly also take a huge chunk of my time going forward because the game is so fun, all my mains feel like new characters without losing their familiarity. Heat system just makes the game more fun, every character can do a comeback or a combo that deals massive damage and that spices up the game even more.


HOW IS THIS GAME SO OVERLOOKED????? THIS IS LITERALLY ON THE SAME WAVELENGTH AS A TRADITIONAL FINAL FANTASY GAME!! Of course not entirely to the point where you can't recognize it as it's own thing. This game is beautiful. The characters, the story, the gameplay, everything was very enjoyable. It deals with the concept of mortality and immortality in a mesmerizing way, to the point where you just can't stop wanting more and more from the game (which it sure delivers). People may have gripe with the ending, which I can understand it was anti-climactic but that does not invalidate the entire game which was a good rollercoaster ride. Genuinely a great jrpg I've played in a very very long time.

And I love Jansen.

Unrelated to the review but yeah, I fricking love this guy.

It's gacha slop but zack is in the game so :heart::heart::fire::fire: plus I like the chibi versions of characters and the new arranged osts

This game does everything terribly, I thought the story would be it's saving grace but it turns out it's nothing special, if you're coming from nier replicant or automata to play this for the lore, just watch youtube videos don't waste your time and sanity, ESPECIALLY your sanity because this game will test it.

The 1.5 stars were lost for me due to the BAD platforming(seriously it is frustrating to finish some parts of this game) and the fact that enemies barely respond to your attacks sometimes. They are made of literal BRICKS and disrupt your combo flow so hard, the combat gets frustrating rather than fun at times. The story's excellent and left a lasting impression on my brain so that's another positive. Thumbsup.

I have no words. This game's ending was beautiful, the atmosphere of the game is on point. It might be less spookier than 7 but it was really fun.

I would like a good harry potter game, not a sensory overload collectathon every fucking game tends to be these days, this one falling into the same category. Not going to play the game any further as there is no incentive in doing so, this is just a ubisoft checklist game with a harry potter theme painted onto it.