Finally a decent horror game that isn't silent hill. This was a pleasant short experience, I think an average playthrough should be 5 hours long at best, meaning, the game doesn't drag on for too long and gets to the point quick while at the same time tackling many themes regarding the hardships faced in life by an average human being. Overall, the atmosphere was great and the presentation was awesome.

A pretty short game compared to the other SH games, STILL a solid entry but in all seriousness, when compared to the other 3 mainline games, this was the weakest one for me. I don't know if it's because SH horror no longer fazes me or if the games I played way back (sh1,2,4) had something that this game just didn't have. Still a great game with great atmosphere that I will look back pleasantly upon in the years to come :)

To many this might be the most MID game ever created but to me it was pretty nice, I mean it is kind of a personal taste but this is what I want from a zombie survival game, build a base, defend it, hunt for supplies, kill zombies etc etc this game has it all. And now the negatives...... The loop feels so repetitive at times and well, the combat is ummmm, IT CAN BE EXPLOITED to say the least, really doesn't make you feel like you're threatened by zombies, not at all, especially when your character has physical abilities that literally make them HERCULES who's really good at kicking zombie asses. The survival part soon enough becomes so diminished as you progress through the game, that there's barely any sense of danger while playing through the game, although there are difficulties to the game that fix this issue it still feels like it's lacking something. I really can't put my finger on it but I cannot call this a flawless 4/5 or a 5/5 game that is PERFECT in every way imaginable because it is not.

TLDR, is it fun? yeah.
is it perfect? no.

Learning combos in this game was super fun

I got past the first stage, and I've seen enough. This is where I stop. I like the concept this game has but the way it is on the saturn makes it extremely hard for me to enjoy it, The controls and platforming are super clunky, camera movement sucks and the gameplay is simply pressing B to extinguish some flames, collecting crystals and pressing the navigation button that generates a voice prompt telling you in which direction you need to go to proceed further, I guess sonic team themselves knew the level design was too trippy and the player might need assistance while trying to find their way across the levels. Overall, this was pretty disappointing...

has better combat than y6/kiwami 2

If I were to write my thoughts on everything the game has to offer, I'd run out of the word limit. That should give you the idea of how long the game is, especially when you compare it to yakuza 7. There are a lot of things to do in this game, I mostly only liked 2 minigames personally but more content is not really a negative thing about the game, unless you want to try and 100% it, which to me slowly turned into a drag so I stopped halfway through. The story really goes slow during the mid areas of the game but the finale is as always peak much like the other yakuza games. THEY DID MY MAN KIRYU DIRTY THOUGH, In terms of everything Kiryu doesn't get the substories he deserves and doesn't get the ending he deserves. If I had to simplify my thoughts on the story I'd say;

"Ichiban's storyline started off the weakest and ended the strongest, Kiryu's storyline started off the strongest and ended the weakest."

Really a disappointing ending for a guy we've grown attached to over the course of all the RGG games.

Ichiban's ending was good though.

The soundtrack goes really hard, while house of the dead allowed me to shoot my bullets like crazy, vcop has an accuracy system attached to it, meaning you can't miss any shots if you want a high score. Both vcop and HOTD have different things to offer and for that reason I give it the same rating as hotd. I loved this game.


Okay now ignore my first impressions, I was just really disappointed at first because it appeared like genshin impact to me, and don't get me wrong it still is pretty much genshin impact in every way, but the charm is much more different, movements feel fluid, characters are good, and the map looks jaw dropping at times honestly. The game dumps you with a lot of lore and unfamiliar words from the get go however, I hated that so much but as time went by I simply chose to ignore it and explore the open world which was a delight, While this may be a more "fun" version of genshin to me I still think there is so much potential within this botw format and I do hope either this game realizes that potential or a future genshin clone does cuz that would be so awesome.

Tldr, for now, my thoughts on this game are - It's playable and enjoyable, still leaves so much to be desired but whatever I like it :)))))

A rail shooter.


A little info before I write this review down - I played the SNES version of the game, and yes, I ended up dropping it. I plan on finishing this game with the remake's release.

SO, Dragon Quest III, Let me tell you guys that I don't particularly pick up really really old school jrpgs from the snes/nes era to play BUT I was in the mood to do so, and my good friend had high praises to sing about DQ3, so that's the game I decided to play :) AND Surely enough, it blew me away. The personality assessment in the beginning was amazing, it completely reeled me in right from the get go, I made my friends at Ruida's Tavern and I kept going, explored every dungeon, did every little quest every town had me do and I was enjoying it!

ESPECIALLY when I realized that this world, the entirety of dq3 is based off of the real world itself, came to that conclusion when I finally reached "Baharata" which is supposed to be India! MY place :) That really elevated the experience for me. I really liked this little journey even if it is an unfinished journey for me.

So yeah, the downsides of DQ3? I mean surely there has to be a reason why I'm cutting my journey short, right?
Well yeah it's mainly the snes/nes era jank, I could've just started with the latest ports but I didn't.

Truth be told like I said, I was in a very specific mood when I played this game, After a few days I was no longer in that same mindset so I didn't quite enjoy the journey anymore, plus after you kill....


After you kill Baramos, that's where I expected the game to just end, but no, it just expanded and if you've enjoyed the game upto this point then it's good news for you! I personally felt like dq3 was dragging on like by a LOT, so I felt upset that it doesn't end there. Hence why I have dropped the game, hopefully the remake lessens up the old-school jank a bit and allows for a more smooth experience :)

Again, if you do not agree with me that is fine, I didn't even beat the game so I don't expect my review to be the objective truth, I'm just sharing my personal journey with the game itself through this review!

Hopefully that was a good read to you, cheers and have a nice day!!!!

This may not have aged well compared to the fps games nowadays but it has great big open maps with detailed environments and unique weapons to make it stand out from other fps titles. If you're holding yourself back from playing Halo because it's "just another fps game" don't, it's actually very fun when you give it a shot.

the combat just killed me from the inside I thought I should start the series from the first game, little did I know that it hasn't aged very well. For that very reason I have dropped the game all together, soundtrack was kinda good though

I don't really play a lot of short horror games, but this caught my eye and I'd say this is a decent experience, it doesn't throw jumpscares (except for one), and the concept of the game is cool. I'd like it more if it was longer