Finally a decent horror game that isn't silent hill. This was a pleasant short experience, I think an average playthrough should be 5 hours long at best, meaning, the game doesn't drag on for too long and gets to the point quick while at the same time tackling many themes regarding the hardships faced in life by an average human being. Overall, the atmosphere was great and the presentation was awesome.

If I were to write my thoughts on everything the game has to offer, I'd run out of the word limit. That should give you the idea of how long the game is, especially when you compare it to yakuza 7. There are a lot of things to do in this game, I mostly only liked 2 minigames personally but more content is not really a negative thing about the game, unless you want to try and 100% it, which to me slowly turned into a drag so I stopped halfway through. The story really goes slow during the mid areas of the game but the finale is as always peak much like the other yakuza games. THEY DID MY MAN KIRYU DIRTY THOUGH, In terms of everything Kiryu doesn't get the substories he deserves and doesn't get the ending he deserves. If I had to simplify my thoughts on the story I'd say;

"Ichiban's storyline started off the weakest and ended the strongest, Kiryu's storyline started off the strongest and ended the weakest."

Really a disappointing ending for a guy we've grown attached to over the course of all the RGG games.

Ichiban's ending was good though.

has better combat than y6/kiwami 2

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I can't believe I missed out on a jrpg this incredible, the fusion system goes so hard especially with the quality of life update allowing you to create your perfect demon, aside from that I really enjoyed the dungeons, boss fights and the soundtrack. The story really reminded me of how dark souls takes an approach to storytelling by keeping stuff vague but I imagine it makes more and more sense when you play a couple of NG+ses which I mean why not the game has multiple endings anyway. Overall a very fun experience, it was fun helping demi-fiend punch a disco ball to save the world.

Tekken 7 was already one of my most played games, this will certainly also take a huge chunk of my time going forward because the game is so fun, all my mains feel like new characters without losing their familiarity. Heat system just makes the game more fun, every character can do a comeback or a combo that deals massive damage and that spices up the game even more.

Palworld is one of those games I didn't expect to be good but it actually is, the core mechanics of the game are pretty much taken from every open world game out there, nothing is original about this game however it doesn't turn those core mechanics into something meaningless which is pretty damn commendable. I did not see myself playing this game for long and.............. Yeah that is exactly what happened, 6 hours in and I just couldn't continue playing lol. Hopefully the devs stop cutting corners with AI and other shady tools now that their game has blown up but I don't think that'll happen. AI use and lazy game development aside I had a decent time with the game but good lord fuck that optimization this shit runs worse than SV even with a decent pc

This game is almost as long as a xenoblade game, and it really surprised me how the series was able to maintain the longevity in it's titles since the beginning. The story goes hard, it's just that Xenogears tackles a lot of themes within it's story ranging from oppression, psychological trauma, neglect, greed etc etc; never really giving you the time to appreciate one aspect of the story, I wouldn't say it has fast pacing, opposite really, but it never really focuses on one key element but with that being said I could go on and on about it's themes but I want to keep my review short. There were times where I really connected with the game and times where I was completely zoned out since the game is super text heavy and most of the time has the approach of "tell, don't show" which is a bummer. Overall it surely was an experience, I raged over this game, had fun with the game and it took a shit ton of time. It is a miracle that this game even exists, Takahashi was onto some shit back in the 90s I swear.

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I spent hours doing all the community quests only to watch the said community fuckin DIE

peak tbh

The combat is really fun and engaging, I wish the story was a little bit better considering this game is based off of a typical final fantasy game but I'm not too disappointed by it, the story's acceptable in terms of mario standards. I really liked this game.

Update on the review: I have just 100%-ed the game, the NG+ superbosses were quite a delight to fight and the final secret superboss was also a joy. I love this game more now

I don't really play a lot of short horror games, but this caught my eye and I'd say this is a decent experience, it doesn't throw jumpscares (except for one), and the concept of the game is cool. I'd like it more if it was longer

Look, this game may seem overwhelming as hell with all of it's salvaging, collection points, aux cores, accessories and whatever else the game has to offer, alongside it's GACHA system for summoning new weapons that are essential to beat the game. Once you get into the flow of doing new quests, tackling new objectives, setting goals, making your own builds, exploring places you've never had before, trying to set up new combos and chain attack orbs........... THIS is what makes the game fun and enjoyable. I really hated the game at first but now towards the end I've grown to love it. As for the story, it follows the path as xenoblade 1, you start the game, the game kicks you in the nuts, the game generates a ton of questions within your brain and then 60 hours in it all makes sense finally, this is a masterpiece.

an awesome short little beat em up game, very button mashy but I didn't expect much going into the game anyway. What makes it special for me is the old school sega charm along with the different weapons you can pick up to spice up your gameplay.

A rail shooter.


That's my first impression, I am dead serious when I say this is worse than Virtua Fighter AI. Interesting to see the roots of the DOA franchise though, a lot of it carried onto the later entries and the soundtrack is pretty decent for the franchise's early beginnings. But still at the end of the day just please play dead or alive 2 it's 1000x better.

The soundtrack goes really hard, while house of the dead allowed me to shoot my bullets like crazy, vcop has an accuracy system attached to it, meaning you can't miss any shots if you want a high score. Both vcop and HOTD have different things to offer and for that reason I give it the same rating as hotd. I loved this game.