This is a great horror game that will scare the crap out of you. RE7 really made a comeback into the horror genre after whatever re5&6 were.

This game is highly emotional. I felt pretty satisfied with the ending of this game, it's bittersweet to see Kiryu go though. The game's in Dragon Engine again much like Kiwami 2 so the combat isn't all that great once again. This game had memorable bosses but the final boss was pretty disappointing. I had fun with this game as well overall. Thumbsup, it made me cry.

I love and hate this game. It is stretched out for no reason, some side activities are a chore. Why did I still rate it 5 stars? Well, the fact that each city is distinct from one another and carry different vibes is one of the few reasons why. The combat has been improved vastly from 3&4 and it is satisfying as HELL. The story is something I feel like you should go through twice to fully appreciate it. The finale of this game is easily the best in the series and will make you glad that you sat down and played it to the end. Thumbsup.

Yakuza 4 changes things up a LOT compared to yakuza 3 and hell, even yakuza 0 k1 and k2. I'm saying that mostly because of the new 4 protag system and their individual fighting styles. Each one of them were equally fun for me. The story, much like Yakuza 2 is a convoluted mess but the ending wrapped up the game very nicely and made me love the game overalll. Thumbsup.

BLOCKUZA 3 THE GOAT. The combat is annoying at first but once you unlock more moves it is really really good. The story is great as always, the bosses are memorable and the orphanage setting kiryu is thrown into is easily the best thing about this game.

WHAT IS THAT COMBAT??? LOOK AT HOW THEY MASSACRED IT. SEGA WHYYYYYY. Dragon Engine looks visually better but it suffers from bad physics and very veeery unsatisfying combat. The game makes up for it with it's substories and the main story. The story might seem convoluted but I ended up appreciating it in the end after understanding it. Ryuji Goda might be one of the best bosses in this series. I had a blast with this game overall. Thumbsup.

It's the same as yakuza 0 in terms of the minigames you can play(But they took out the best one, the disco minigame...), the combat has slightly been improved upon and by slightly I mean reeeally slightly. Few of the bosses in this game were really forgettable. Kiwami's story is not as great as 0 but it's still good and it made me cry. Thumbsup.

I did not expect to like this game since I'm not a big fan of crime dramas but HOT DAMN is this game GREAT OR WHAT? EXCELLENT COMBAT, EXCELLENT STORYLINE, EXCELLENT BOSS FIGHTS, EXCELLENT SIDE CONTENT. Big Big Biiiiig Thumbsup to yakuza 0.

I have no words. This game's ending was beautiful, the atmosphere of the game is on point. It might be less spookier than 7 but it was really fun.

Great game although it's frustating to navigate while playing sometimes considering it takes place in a more open space unlike outlast 1 which has more linear map design.

NMH1 was a great game but I feel like making it open world made the game a drag to play sometimes.
It gives no meaning to the game itself and the side activities are fun the first time you do them but after that they get annoying.
story was aight.
this game's saving grace was the combat and it's humor.

In short, this game is a unique experience that most games cannot hold up a candle to. Shenmue's outdated gameplay mechanics cannot be ignored but man oh man are they outweighed by the aesthetic and the old school vibes this game has. This game was a nice change of pace for me. Even though I don't see myself coming back to this game ever again I will adore the memories of this game in years to come. Thumbsup.

The 1.5 stars were lost for me due to the BAD platforming(seriously it is frustrating to finish some parts of this game) and the fact that enemies barely respond to your attacks sometimes. They are made of literal BRICKS and disrupt your combo flow so hard, the combat gets frustrating rather than fun at times. The story's excellent and left a lasting impression on my brain so that's another positive. Thumbsup.