One of the few best videogame sequels out there, all the stuff that bothered me from the previous game has been removed including the crappy platforming so I dig it, not to mention the new weapons are really cool and the boss fights are just as amazing.

a little smoother than the first game in terms of combat, a little better in terms of side content and that's how it all is tbh.
It is better than the first game in every way but just by a little.

harder than dmc tbh, which makes it kind of fun but also more limiting in terms of how you do your combos

EDIT: Learned dodge offset and other advanced combo techniques, I take my words back, this game goes as hard as any devil may cry game.

Terrible controls yet I still love this game. Besides all the clunkiness this is definitely a step up from the first 3 games both graphically and in terms of good level design. To top it all off, this game has a brilliant atmosphere and the interconnected world is really really good along with the soundtrack.

Great story, Terrible gameplay. Still better than Re:COM

A great and a classic game and I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

This game goes hard as much as the OG FF7. the combat is refreshing but could use a little more innovation, every character has been expanded upon and it's one of the best things about this game, I've been a final fantasy 7/Crisis Core fan since I was a kid and I feel like this game was perfectly tailored to my tastes. I loved every moment of the story and the ending was phenomenal I cannot wait for part 2.

This is a completely different game from dark souls 1 and not in a good way, the maps are all branched out and they lack the feel ds1 had both thematically and ds1's interconnected maps made the world feel more immersive. Now if you don't compare it to DS1 and look at Dark Souls 2 separately, it's a pretty alright game on it's own but ngl after hitting 20 hours on the game, it felt like a drag to play through the game but once I finally finished it I still felt great.

Calling it a bad game or a mediocre game does not feel right, there were times that this game felt incredible to play so overall it's a 4/5 for me

This game kept me entertained for months, I'd say the mechanics of this game are perfect for an open world game, which is what BOTW is. The shrine puzzles were excellent with just a few annoying exceptions, the story isn't anything revolutionary but it sure is emotional. You can also get a little lost on your first playthrough so it is best to look up a for-beginners guide(Atleast for how to get the true ending). With all of that being said, I had a LOT of fun playing this game regardless of it's minor issues.

This game is beautiful. The immersion of dark souls 1 is absolutely top notch, the world feels very real. The game might seem hard at first but after you put in a decent amount of time buffing up your stats and learning how each and every enemy attacks, you will be unstoppable, and by the time you reach that level, you'd be happy that you did because trust me

This may not have aged well compared to the fps games nowadays but it has great big open maps with detailed environments and unique weapons to make it stand out from other fps titles. If you're holding yourself back from playing Halo because it's "just another fps game" don't, it's actually very fun when you give it a shot.