Good - beautiful looking game with great art direction, ambitious, solid story for a sonic game, the daytime levels are fun and laid a great foundation for later games, great music (of course).

No Good - the tornado sections are garbage but at least there's only 2 of em but of course the big one while I don't think the werehog levels are terribly designed per se but they can be pretty boring and DRAAAAAAG ON with only light puzzle solving and platforming breaking up the dull endless combat with just nothing exciting, zero spectacle or big set pieces like god of war or bayonetta for example just what you see is what you get for the most part and the werehog is easily over 50% of the game so yeah it drags this game down quite a bit well for me at least.

Honestly my favourite in the series despite all the later game's gunplay refining, there's a just a charm to this game that i don't think the sequels quite capture the same way.

I love the bond between ratchet & clank in this first game: they start off neutral then have a big argument for most of the game only around each other for the sake of their goals and then become very believable best buds by the very end super satisfying and while again the later games did refine the gunplay to be honest I don't mind much at all since this is the only game in the series where it feels like a platformer with weapons as apposed to every other one which feels like a third person shooter with platforming here and there, I also just think the worlds are the most memorable and varied here with levels where only ratchet can explore cause clank will get struck by lighting or a level where only clank can explore at first cause the poisonous gas would kill ratchet but later u get a mask that protects ratchet from the gas and explore the same level but from ratchets bigger perspective compared to clank none of the sequels really have as unique things that make planets stand out as this game does, I really like the challenge.

I just really like this game alot and I am probably an abomination for preferring this to the others but i don't care lmao.

The extremely limited inventory (yes i'm talking about jill i never wanna play chris that sounds awful) really drags this game down for me which sucks i love this game in most other regards but i just get really annoyed with the frequent backtracking to shove items in that damn box and makes the game more annoying to play than it should.

Masterpiece, peak fiction, "bath time" is the greatest melody in existence and mozart would be fucking livid with jealously if he could hear it, gameplay so effortless in it's mastery it's safe to say interactive media will peak here for all eternity, a paragon in narrative writing that perfectly deconstructs the hero's journey so ingenuously.

Play this game if you haven't it's incredible, I haven't played the sequel nintendogs + cats but if it's anything like this good god.

What's here is really good but it could've been truly fantastic with a longer development cycle like traveller's tales wanted such a big shame but still enjoyable enough for what it is and definitely the best crash game between the oringal ctr and until ctr's remake and 4 came out.

As someone who has overwelming nostalgia for this game: i've owned it since my 9th birthday in 2008, it was the first pokemon game i owned and really got to dig into for myself, the music brings me right back to my childhood, i would watch superskarmory & marriland's let's plays for secrets i missed and of course traded and battled with friends.

Putting all that aside it's clear gamefreak had alot of passion in trying to make this game the way they wanted by trying to cram in as many seemingly forgotten or about to be forgotten features as they can like: the day and night feature and post game areas to explore like gen 2 or secret bases and contests from gen 3 and including alot of new stuff gen 4 introduced and gen 4 not to mention it also brought in some much needed gameplay refinements like the physical special split. The roughness of this game mostly did not come from a lack of passion or vision but rather what they could to in the time allocated and what the engine could handle gen 4 in many ways feels like a best of gens 1, 2 & 3 which does mean i think gen 4 dosen't quite have as unique a voice as those games but i think it comes out on top in what it did and i admire this game for that but it's blantant it needed extra time in the oven and thankfully platinum ironed out most of the kinks and let gen 4 shine.

Those remakes tho are the most pointless and laziest looking things i've ever seen tho don't get me started on it i have zero interest in that thing (seriously a faithful remake of the original versions with very likely no platinum content and judging by the faithful tag it'll very likely bring mostly nothing but an ugly facelift ewwwww)

Decent follow up to the legendary dk 94'

Easily by a landslide the best musou game since it actually has level design and so much gameplay variety that it barely feels like a musou game (thank god) so i'd recommend even musou detractors like me to play it!

Outside of that the music and art style are still as great as p5, the new characters especially zenkichi are great and the game is just so fun and addicting and i never thought I'd say that about a warriors game ever. The only things I didn't like were a few dumb tropes like the exact same bathhouse misunderstanding scene from p3 & p4 and the story having some predictable elements but those are fairly minor so all in all i genuiely loved this game way more than I thought I was going to.

This game is enjoyable cause the originals were great but judging this game as a remake it's incredibly half assed: it dosen't take any of the improvements or added content from emerald and all new added content is shallow or not that interesting and not really worth the revist to me if you've played emerald espically, the most substantial added thing (the delta episode) is litterally just a 1 1/2 hour go here get exposition it's kinda boring and not that interesting, zinna's a nothing character but hey you fly rayquaza to space and fight deyxos that's really cool but um...

I can't in good faith hate this remake cause i love gen 3 but it's also just so slap dash and thrown together to me that i kinda dislike it at the same time idk

Holy shit pit you can take down actual hell creatures and greek gods but not run at a moderate speed for more than 10 seconds without overexerting yourself? Pathetic

It barely fixed any of sun and moon's various problems gameplay wise, made the story worse & everything it added is shallow as hell... why does this re-release exist?

The last paper mario game nintendo let intelligent systems do interesting things with and not mandate the stupidest creative restrictions ever conceived in all of media.

Pacifist route is great, music is fantastic, meta stuff is usually obnoxious to me in media but this game does it really well for the most part & most of the characters were fun and memorable but the gameplay is mostly just a vechicle to drive the characters, plot & messages sadly and isn't very fun to play on repeat visits, alpyis sucks & genocide route is a huge slog for a ham fisted message.

Glad to finally join in on the hype 5+ years late cause yeah it's great! mostly just wish the gameplay was stronger cause almost everywhere else it's a genuiely passion filled and unique experience.

Funny skeletron prime

The official art for this game is nut worthy (the game in general also is but...)

Yellow monkey is my sleep paralysis demon