I have no idea what I just experienced but it was an interesting and fun mindfuck to say the least.

Battle system? Has little to no depth or strategy and is insultingly easy, way more than the other games in the series.

Incentive for battling? literally the only thing you get for battling is coins (and the occasional sticker), you spend them on single use stickers which you need to do anything in battle so any non-required battle is a literal waste of time.

Story and characters? Non-existent for the former and very, very scarce for the latter, charm? Also very, very scarce.

worlds and creativity? new super mario bros.

positives? music and visual presentation is pleasant, mostly unremarkable but pleasant + the snifit or whiffit bit and the boo's mansion levels were pretty alright, little diamonds in the septic tank but it's something,

hotel? trivago.

It has it's good share of issues but it has alot of content to dig into, charm and isn't piss easy like the awful 3ds and switch games so there's that.

The gameplay is very simplistic but just fun enough for me to play the main story through but miss me with the whopping THIRTY-TWO extra campaigns, the gameplay's way too simplistic and the story's too barely existent for me to playthrough all that.

Despite my mixed feelings on this one I think a sequel could be awesome, heck I'd be more excited for that than the main series nowadays (hey-yooooooooooooo)

Bad stuff: Story and writing don't hold a candle to sucker punch's games especially the terrible ending, the loading times are pretty damn bad and personal gripe the character redesigns aren't that good.

Not bad stuff: visually it's great, controls and game feel are just as satisfying and free flowing as ever and it's still super fun to play, also tennessee cooper's a pretty cool dude.

Crash's face on the box art says it all.

Why the hell was this and 5 dancing full price at launch? that's a total rip-off, it's fun but bare bones as hell for that price if you see it under like $20 get it if not eh.

Game Over - Press 'r' to try again

How has no one bothered to log this cult classic in their libraries yet

Stupidly additive and fun, beautiful game in the audio and visual department, story's fun (louie you bastard), the quality of life improvements are great and for me personally the length was perfect not too short like pikmin 1 and not too long and padded out like 2, also the mission and bingo battle modes are even better than 2, The only things I didn't like are that it's a bit too easy and since it's a little more story focused than the other games it is more linear but still yeah pikmin 3's pretty damn fantastic I love this series man.

It was an ambitious game for the time i'll give it that, playing it now hmmmmmmmm

It'd be 5 stars if I played the xbox version (I played the ps4's ps2 emulated version which plays at roughly 6 fps and it feels awful but beat it anyway cause i'm a maniac and I loved everything about it but playing it cause good god it's an awful port)

HERO TIME - The first time I experienced anxiety