21 Reviews liked by Kollateral

Ooo boy this is a hard one to talk about

Absolutely DOGSHIT in some areas, unfortunately, it’s MOST areas

First off the motive of the Origami killer makes so fucking sense at all
Second off, Half of Ethan Mars ‘trials’ or whatever you call it make so sense. Like why is there a car chase scene this is so fucking stupid
Third of, David cage can NOT keep his dick in his pants when it comes to Madison, girl actually has the flirty walk from the sims 4, constantly gets sexulized in every way possible and her insomnia becomes completely irrelevant and doesn’t seem to impact her by the end of the story (why make that apart of her character?? I’m sure Cage actually forgot she has that because of how busy he was masturbating to the god awful strip tease scene)

And don’t get me started on the fucking controls, I stopped for two days once I got up to the part where Madison is pick locking, AND THE VOICE ACTING BROOO 💀💀💀

It’s saving Grace is that all the protagonists are actually very interesting characters, ESPICALLY Norman. Norman unironically carries the whole game, he is by far the most fun and unique and is basically human Connor. I also love Blake and Lauren. Soundtrack goes hard to but it’s sometimes louder than the characters (also the audio is kinda trash)

Despite the overwhelming amount of issues this is by far the most fun serious game I have ever played 😭😭

Give me back MY paper mario you bastards

Honestly not sure why this game is getting the riding it is. Very shallow and generic. But I should have known better considering its just another online survival title.

Barely a game, feels like it was made by some crude early form of AI. It runs like filth and looks like it too. There is also no goal or real purpose in playing it. You get pals to work and fight for you, what are they working and fighting for? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Just an empty sad void of a world with nothing to discover or experience. Can't forget the clear plagiarism of Pokemon designs and blatant near identical copy of Arks ui. Stain on the industry.

If it wasn't for all the hype about this basically being pokemon with guns I don't it would have sold as many copies as it has. Its fun for a while but it really doesn't have much replay value for me. I know this is still in early access but I don't see much of a future for this game.

People really need to stop thinking with their wallets

this is the biggest hipster game to ever exist and it would've been taken down had everyone not forgotten about its existence a week after it released. garbage


david cage is arguably the worst writer ever

Fuck this game. The first half of it or so is bad, but at least something I could imagine being fun with friends and/or drunk, but it just gets to a point where it's unbearable. David Cage needs to be restricted from creative liberty for like ever.

made like a dark, twisted version of pokemon haha. Just a glimpse into my dark reality. A full stare into my open-world survival crafting slop would make most simply go insane lmao.