119 reviews liked by KolmaN7

Surprised they got an N64 game to feel as fast as it does, I wish rereleases had the disk expansion so I could hear that rock Rainbow Road arrange as I played it.

Rainbow Road 64 being in the game at all is just the coolest shit, it works much better as an F-Zero track than a Mario Kart one.

Contra Operation Galuga foi um dos motivos de eu ter começado a maratona Contra em novembro de 2023, eu zerei todos os jogos da franquia e nessa jornada acabei não só conhecendo mais a fundo, em um bom sentido, mas também no pior sentido que essa frase pode ter.

Contra é uma franquia que teve MUITO JOGO RUIM, tipo MUITO MESMO CARA, é quase inacreditável, e depois de quase 10 anos sem um jogo decente da franquia, com o último sendo a aberração que foi o Rogue Corps, o que eu vi desse Operation Galuga me deixou bem animado.

E bem, atingiu minhas expectativas, Operation Galuga é uma reimaginação não só do Contra 1 mas também do Contra 4, e faz um trabalho incrível de modernizar a franquia do seu jeito, além de evoluir MUITO o gunplay e o replay dela por meio da gameplay atualizada e as uniões com as ideias incríveis do Hard Corps Uprising.

Adorei, esse vai ser um jogo que vou rejogar MUITO daqui pra frente.

I cannot stress how truly magical it was to see this title on ads back in the day, then to play it, experience, and realize that the magic of life is 1 world for multiple worlds.
FusionFall is Cartoon Network's evolution and coup de grace of the CN City era, with the environments in those bumpers being expanded upon, in desperate struggle against the corruption of Fuse.
Times have past and this IP has long been abandoned however through efforts has been constantly revived, with the current most (6/7/24) definitive way to rexperience the original and all it's expansions via OpenFusion.
For MMOs I personally don't expect much from the combat however, because OpenFusion is (ofc) open source you can edit the code for singleplayer and unlock the quick switching combo system, this greatly increases the addictiveness of this title for me.
Many projects have spawned from this open sourced title and it's such a beautiful thing to see what fans have done capitalizing on that inspiration in the seeds that CN City has sewn into children around the world!

Another outstanding title that gave me the magic of multiple worlds idea when I was younger.
Back in Highschool I used to multiplayer emulate this during lunch and fight against my friends, one of them used to beat my ass as Strider. Good times!
It's fun going through arcade mode to get all the endings because you could always just play whatever team and in the final boss kys then switch to Mega Man + whatever character ending you want then use him to laser beam cheese and get the last hit with your latter character.
Also has some cool hidden characters like Roll which is always fun!

Pretty AUGH neat AUGH game AUGH and I had a lot of fun flying around and with some AUGH of the grounded AUGH shooting segments, just a shame AUGH about the controls and AUGH camera on the ground. The actual Star Fox gameplay is great and the game is underrated.

I'd give it a 3.75/5 if that existed but it doesn't so let's go with AUGH/5.

At this point, Nintendo releasing 99 games sounds like a gimmick, given this is the 4th Battle Royale variant of a classic title on the Switch. Despite that, F-Zero was a really good pick as the Battle Royale survival aspect fits the existing concepts already within the franchise, and the gameplay is really suited for it to boot.

4 characters is a fine amount to start with, as it's not super intimidating to learn what all the machines you see will operate like, and not too limiting as you have plenty of strategy and variety to go on your quest to victory. Skill is still the name of the game as you have to know how to drive to win, and strategic use of the Skyway will help you out when you're behind. The game can still feel like it's up to luck at times but with 99 players at the same time that's an inevitability of the genre. Thankfully, this doesn't occur often enough to be too frustrating. Or if you die you can sometimes become a Lucky Bumper and screw over the players in the lead. I don't so I always just found it a waste and blew myself up, but if you like to troll this game's got you covered.

There's plenty of tracks in the game, some on a rotation, but with 3 ways to play: Standard 99, Time Trials by yourself for practice, or Grand Prix surviving multiple courses, the game has a good bit of extra content to offer too, on top of unlocking customization options for your vehicle to make it really feel yours. For a free* little app that expands on an SNES game, it really came out great and I hope it boosts F-Zero back onto Nintendo's radar!

Great idea but it's a little clunky in its execution, mainly towards the end. Lots of love for Street Fighter here, and the game feels like Mega Man! I do wish Capcom stepped in and lent a hand rather than give them a thumbs up and call it a day.

The Goes with Everything code is pretty cheeky and I liked that too.

I am a lifelong SF player/fan. I haven't really hated any of the previous games and I'm definitely not going to start with this one either. First off, the graphics are great. I was totally blown away the first time I played it. Jeezus, those facial animations! A huge leap over V. The adventure mode is also cool and addicting but I wish there were more Final Fight cameos. Where is Maki dammit?
Now the reason this gets 3-1/2 stars is the music suuucks. Super cringe. And I LOVE Rap in all forms. The character select and stage intro songs could grate a carrot. Capcom could have chosen so many better artists to provide tracks. It all just sounds half assed.

This was Iga basically doing another Castlevania with a hot MC so of course I would be all up in this game. I even set aside my distaste for 2.5D graphics. Which is really my only complaint here. The characters just don't look quite right. Mainly the faces. Zangetsu looks especially haggard. Its also missing that vibe/presense that Castlevania carries but I can't fault Iga for that. He's just getting going here. Other than that it scratched most of my Castlevania itches. I'm looking forward to a sequel if it ever materializes.