7 Reviews liked by Kolog

The best video game I have ever played. Very little issues aside from the 480p and being in SD. Luckily, we got a little port in 2020. Gameplay is incredible, motion controls before they felt forced, impeccable story, cool levels, and above all else, introduced Rosalina. Just perfect, aside from the 480p and being in SD.

A hell of a incredible couple of games that play with some interesting theories I've never heard of before, but needlessly, make a far more interesting interaction all together. These two games were out before the other Zero escape game that was released first on Steam.

Not only due to have multiple paths based on your choices and where you go, but due to the Morphagentic Field, it makes perfect story sense that you could view one timeline, pick up some information, then take with with you for consecutive timelines to unlock the true ending.

Both games have very interesting set ups and some very difficult puzzles, though not unfairly difficult. I recommend this to any fan of the escape room kind of game where you need to look around and attempt to find a way out of wherever you are trapped.

Sometimes I fantasize about Courtney coming home drunk and beating me until I feel numb. She kicks me in the ribs until I can hardly breathe. Then she starts to cry and apologizes, begging me to forgive her. She holds me all night as I gently cry into her t-shirt. Is there any hope for me

It's probably not the best game I have ever played, even TOTK is better objectively buy this one is my favorite, of all. nothing I have ever played has had this impact on me, watching back the change my life itself has made since I played this game is incredible. Sometimes I still play it and it is as amazing, even tho it feels different than before because I usually make speedruns but when I open my original save file and just walk on the world, it's so great words can't explain.

More than 400 hours in, made me interested of speedrunning, changed the way I see videogames and has made my life better in a lot of ways. 0/10 you can't pet the dogs

En The Talos Principle se planteó una pregunta. ¿Somos los seres humanos como una máquina?
En The Talos Principle 2 se va mas allá... Si nosotros somos como una máquina, ¿podemos decir que el universo también lo es?
A lo largo de mas de 120 puzles principales + extras, The Talos Principle 2 reflexiona sobre nuestra condición en el mundo, los ideales y la necesidad entre otras cosas que te hace pensar, pero desde un punto de vista, en mi opinión, mucho mas optimista que el primer juego.

Los puzles son maravillosos, a lo largo de 9 mundos cambian las mécanicas antes de que se vuelvan pesadas y da vueltas sobre ellas para hacer puzles no muy largos pero interesantes y que te hacen pensar. Ha habido mas de uno que me ha tenido pensando MUCHO rato, mas del que me gustaría admitir.

Visualmente es muy bonito, se nota el cambio a Unreal Engine 5, aunque en mi opinión le pesa en el rendimiento y la velocidad de carga del juego. Definitivamente recomiendo instalarlo en un SSD.

En resumen lo recomiendo muchisimo si te gustan los juegos de puzles, aunque para mi gusto ojalá hubiese durado un poquiiiito menos.

Courses vary in quality and I swear I'm not crazy for thinking that. The final pack felt weirdly on par with the main game compared to the rest of the packs. You can tell which ones were ripped straight from Tour with little change or graphical enhancement and which ones actually had some improvements made.

enjoyed the art and environments, the tone and atmosphere of the game is great, some really interesting premises and ideas that might have went somewhere if the developer could stop whacking off to incest porn for 5 minutes