Great visual novel with clear "repetitivity" problems. Don't get me wrong, I loved Chaos;Head, but I think it's undeaniable that when Takumi complains about imagining things or being scared (with an amazing VA work behind) for the 5th time it starts to get tiring.

Nevertheless, I can complete see why people enjoy this VN. It has very shocking moments and a sense of tension that never fully quite comes. All the character routes are amazing, and I'll be honest I found the lack of moral bounds to be quite refreshing for a VN where the protagonist is such a shut-in.

"We all have a Takumi inside is, whether we give it form or not is a thing, an alter-ego of our conciousness, which knows no bounds."

Maybe these comes off as incredibly biased, maybe it comes as pedantic, or even as nonsense. But I believe Xenoblade Chronicles 2 to be a perfectly imperfect sequel to the original Xenoblade Chronicles. The fans are not wrong, there's a charm in it, a soul that makes all of Xenoblade 2 feel like the creation of an ambitious teenager with unsurmounted passion.

If I had to define Xenoblade 2 in a word, I'd probably say scale. It's a game that tries to be everything, or at least a lot, keyword tries. It takes itself seriously except when it doesn't; it has both very weird and "anime" writing, but also some of the most mature and best written stories in any videogame; it tries to have a very deep combat, except it fails to deliver meaningful tutorials; it creates a weird mix of seemingly inconsequential mechanics and ideas that combine one another and eventually end up clicking. When they do, I believe this game becomes a beast of its own.

When I first played this game, I dropped it eventually because I was frustrated with the roadblock bosses. I thought the only way out was to grind levels to my characters, which ended up proving rather unsuccesful for the most part since the game expects you to take more less care of your party setup and to understand the combat system. I think this was for the better, as the time I came back to the game, with an open mind, I ended up quickly grasping the combat system, both thanks to youtube tutorials(which I agree shouldn't be necessary in this case) and an added sense of patience. I learnt how each of the progression systems worked, how equipment mattered a lot, how each blade had distinct progression trees I could unlock to create new strategies for each combat and that I was being blind to 90% of what made the game what it was. It was without saying, an experience, I don't think a game has ever felt so satisfying to me as when I did my first drive combo, or my first full burst on a chain attack. It's this click, this moment, that shows how much soul Xenoblade 2 has.

I think Xenoblade 2 simply has that charm of old games, of making a lot out of very little, of being perfectly imperfect. That is not to say that I think Xenoblade 2 is a great game just because it has convoluted mechanics, don't get me wrong here. All I'm saying is that Xenoblade 2 has convoluted mechanics that end up giving the whole product more charm, this completely ignoring all of its more notable strengths, like world building, music, story and characters.

The Alrest is a sight to look at. Each Titan boasts different and coherent environments, cultures, and stories, creating a world that feels alive and realistic. The sheer scale of the game world is inspiring, with each area offering unique visual and thematic elements from a graphical perspective that serve to elevate and communicate lore in a very seamless way. From the greenish fields of Gormott to the rough and mechanical landscapes of Mor Ardain, the world-building is carefully crafted. The lore of Alrest even hides deeper implications, why do the Titans exist? what about the mysterious Cloud Sea? why is there a giant tree in the middle of nowhere? Almost every question one can ask itself at the start of the game is answered regarding the game world.

The soundtrack of Xenoblade Chronicles in general has no rival. But I believe 2's shines a bit brighter than the rest. Composed by Yasunori Mitsuda and ACE, the music enhances literally every aspect of the game perfectly, but also creates iconic and masterful songs like "The Tomorrow With You". It manages, again, to mix serene themes for exploring cities or titans, and the incredibly orchestral and amazing battle themes. Each combat track feels like they're giving their all as if its the last song of the game. The soundtrack also plays with the concept of leitmotifs perfectly, playing with the concepts and relating them to plot elements carefully and masterfully.

The narrative of Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is both epic and deeply personal. It follows the journey of Rex and Pyra, a mysterious Blade with a hidden past, as they seek Elysium, a paradise where there's enough land for everyone to live. The story is filled with twists and great villains, balancing grand fights and actions with more seamless and small character relevant moments. It handles themes of acceptance, growth , human-kind nature and also mature topics like suicide or the possible existence of God, creating a narrative that while starting slow and setting the ground with great foreshadowing , it keeps the player engaged and ends up reaching some of the best climaxes in any game.

In the end, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 thrives on its imperfections and complexities, delivering an experience that's both engaging and immensely rewarding. The game's world-building, music, story, and characters come together to create an adventure that feels truly alive and brimming with soul. It’s not a perfect game by any means, but it’s these very flaws and intricate details that give it a unique charm and lasting appeal. And if you manage to ignore them , or to overcome them, by investing the time and effort necessary, I believe for Xenoblade Chronicles 2 to be an unforgettable journey that'll have made everything worth it by the end. Standing out as incredibly unique in the genre.

Fast paced, character with good lores and designs (except for some old ones), average graphics (for a MOBA ) . Very good update cycle, many patches and one of the biggest esports scenes ever.

Better than average ranking system ( even if some get mad ) , very grindable game, with many posibilities due to the items, which completely overhaul gameplay depending on your picks. Over 160 champions which have unique interactions between games.

Genuinely a good game ruined by the community. Sadly, it's a very rage inducing game, but i think it's normal in MOBAs, were your performance depends on your teammates.

good game i've spent like 1k hours on, it's defo worse than splatoon 2 in my opinion, due to the slow updating and so


It's simply OK, good game to chill out but that's pretty much it. Empty world but beautiful landscape, beautiful ost and surprisingly good dialogue.

Just a wholesome game, don't expect dopamine rushes or insane puzzles, reminds me of Ghibli films in a way

a bit overrated but it put a sense of nostalgia on a game i had never played. ending had me crying the fuck . PC port is a mess though

Great game that kind of overstays its welcome.

My name is Gyobu Masataka Oniwa

Absolutely amazing masterful storytelling

After playing through Sumeru and Fontaine archon quests I can say with confidence that this is a great game if you're gonna play casually. It's one of those long winded stories that spans over a long time, very slowly paced.

It's got amazing worldbuilding and some characters get really great development, for example Furina.

The gameplay while not the best thing in the world is diverse enough to the point where it can keep you engaged, and most particle effects and animations are gorgeus.

There's enough content to play for hundreds of hours, for free, without spending any money. And you can even experience a very heartwarming stories like Nahida's, whose archon quest ending is fucking devastating.

I get that people like to shit on the game because its somehow become popular to do so, but it's got one of the best update cycles/ content i've seen in a game and playing casually there's always something to do.

played for more than 2700 hours, got third in spanish champs, and won many tournaments, met friends for life and improved to points i did not think i'd ever be able to.

yeah it's not a perfect game but i dont care


Fun game, its just pure fun. Nothing world breaking. Normal story. It'll entertain you from start to end. Doesn't do anything wrong but nothing specially well either. Building your own kingdom is sick, and all sidequests are very enjoyable. It also looks beautiful.

For me its the perfect game to turn off my brain, and the combat is pretty good for an JRPG. You'll for sure enjoy it

Has its fair share of problems (mostly arised from bad programming/bugs), but still great game. Lots of effort onto it, nice dialogue although it loses weight sometimes. Amazing story even with those cons