I enjoyed it for what it was but after playing the other tales games it's harder to go back to even though it was my first

Wish it got more updates. had potential but it got cutoff too soon :(

Enjoyed, but putting all side quests in the end is really bruh. Clive's journey is similar to my own.

Lets rock, baby. camera starts freaking out

Dungeons were alright. at least we HAD them. didnt care too much about everything else in the game I'm gonna go insane if I see the imprisoned again

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The "true" ending was kinda underwhelming. the ending where iori and saber fight felt way more satisfying. had a fun time with it overall though

Update: I decided to give this game another shot, after finishing it completely and killing the final boss in 4 turns lmao, I can say this game is an alright persona spinoff. could be a couple hours shorter but nothing offensive. looking to see how Q2 improves on some things, like better balance.

Shame this is the best way to play cuz the psx ost clears the psp version ost

its p5 what more needs to be said

Still love this game even with all its flaws. Tatsuya my goat...