The game is more Pokémon so it’s literally fine.

The art style is really fun, the game itself is really cute and it’s extremely faithful to the original with some QOL improvements. However, it’s faithfulness truly hold it back from being a really good remake.

But seriously. It’s fine. If you want more Pokémon, it’s more Pokémon. It’s no masterpiece but it’s fun.

It’s a very glitchy mess but if you enjoyed the board game in V3, it is worth looking into. I think the V3 version is much better though.

The story takes too long to develop but it’s good. Is it worth it? Probably? But I’d say wait for a sale.

This review contains spoilers

Completed on Hard Mode

SMT V was something we learned about in 2017. I’ve been mad hyped for it like everyone else has been for years. The gameplay was worth waiting for. With the addition of Severe magic attacks, attack based magic, new physical attacks, there was so much stuff that feels so organic.

The combat is prime, the demons and side quests are fun and sometimes a bit silly, the overall movement and exploration is pure joy. The exploration of larger areas was my biggest concern out of all new features. Shockingly, it was actually one of my favorite parts. It’s so well done and I only missed 4/200 Mimen. Running around and looking for shit is just mad fun!

However, the biggest disappointment was the story. The gameplay and side quests did so much heavily lifting that their backs must’ve hurt by the end. It felt half baked. I just felt, by the end, why even have these “friends”/side characters? They served no real purpose and the game spends almost no time on them. There were three of them and I only remember one of their names. No seriously. The girl dying instantly, the only one I liked, I almost checked out completely in terms of the story. The two guys, the one I remember, Dazai, and that other kid, we’re just sidelined and boring. It isn’t like SMT IV and SMT IV or even SMT SJ where the most impactful characters are the ones who you spend tons of time with and get extremely close to. Especially with Wallace and Johnathon. It’s a huge disappointment. It puts a huge damper on every single good part of the game, which is many.

I’m very forgiving when it comes to JRPG’s plots. They’re usually so anime, uses the same tropes, etc. but this one does none of those, which I like. However, since it felt like it skipped too many steps to become a great story, I felt just so underwhelmed.

I wish it was better. It just wasn’t. I fully expect the next one to have a better story, this doesn’t take away from the fact I find SMT to be one of the most fascinating series I’ve ever played. This one was just underwhelming in the specific way I enjoyed the others I’ve played.

Regardless, it still stands on its own as one of the best JRPGs I’ve played in recent memory. I didn’t play many games that were released this year but this will definitely be one I think about for awhile (in a good way). If you’re looking for a challenge, SMT V has you covered in more ways than one.

Very fun, charming, quirky but I’ve played these games enough to breeze through them quick. It’s definitely fun but it’s short.

If you want quality, it’s here, if you want quantity, it is quite short.

Still very fun!

Story compelling
Characters amazing
Endless amount of charm

I hate performers though. Regardless, this game is still a gem. If you actually like performers, you would definitely like the game more than me.

My hands really fucking hurt though.

Fun but replayability is lacking in comparison to others in the genre like Slay the Spire.

The maps are small and don’t offer much variety. Once you do enough runs, you know generally what to expect. The challenges are good but never kept me wanting more.

The characters are diverse and fun though!

Small nitpick issues but still very good, extremely fun, relaxing and exceeded my expectations by a lot.

It’s a fun sandbox! Some silly controls but stil so fun

Bizarre but extremely fun experience! Never played it before but I see the appeal more than ever. Such an odd experience

It is hard not to overstate the obvious influences that came from Moon. It’s truly one of the strangest, unique, beautiful, thoughtful, bizarre games I’ve ever played.

It took some time but once you’re in, well, it’s zen. Walking around, helping memorable characters, reviving oddball monsters, exploring, doing somewhat odd activities… it’s truly the anti-game. It’s definitely the anti-console game at that time.

Moon takes the approach of “what if the ‘hero’ of an RPG, murdering all these animals and taking whatever they want, is actually… well, bad.” When you think about a hero in an RPG on a baseline, superficial level, they aren’t exactly a hero. Moon takes this and runs with it. It’s a true satire on the RPG genre. It definitely left a mark on gaming and it’s felt. Many games after it warp RPGs in this specific way. Some maintain combat or have none at all, but after playing this, it’s just so obvious.

The game itself is still a bit janky. Some of the stuff is, well, definitely a PS1 game. The charm, relaxing nature of the game, well, it’s truly something special. Undertale (OBVIOUSLY) was inspired by this and it is truly heavy handed. The MC in Undertale is the MC in Moon whilst Frisk is the “hero” (villain) in Moon. The comparison are just right there.

The game itself is truly beautiful in more ways than one. I definitely recommend reading the manual of the game on its official site since there’s no tutorial (it helped me LOTS). It’s an old game so reading the manual was obviously an extremely common thing to do in the 90s. The first time I tried to play it, I got overwhelmed because I didn’t know what to do. The manual fixed that instantly. Shocker (it wasn’t).

It isn’t for everyone but this game is truly a gem.

What a fantastic game. Thank god for emulators or I would've missed out on such a beautifully well crafted (and often times odd) game.

Sound design was among my favorite bits of this game. What an astounding piece of media. I wish it got a proper sequel or better followups.

Despite silly touch controls, the game maintains the absolute joys of the original chibi-robo on the GameCube. The sound design definitely isn’t as strong since the DS sound card isn’t as, well, good as the GC. Nevertheless, the third entry into the Chibi-Robo franchise nails it!

Tingle crossed with Wizard of Oz

Point and click adventure with lots of charm, silliness, and… well, it’s strange. Really really odd. If you don’t enjoy point and click adventures like say Monkey Island, early Telltale like Strong Bad, or Broken Age, this might not be something you’d enjoy.

It’s a very low key game selling itself with its pure awkwardness but that’s where the joy of it comes from. It’s a journey to say the least. What a fun little game haha

It’s fine. Not much more to say. Isn’t completely joyless but isn’t exactly tons of fun. It’s fine.