More picross and it’s wonderful! Top tier pixel art as always. Pretty dated but absolutely beautiful for a GBC game. Jupiter just utilized every pixel to bring unique and amazing art. Phenomenal!

Not a 4 or 5 star game just due to the fact that I felt that Mario Picross on the SNES offered a lot more in terms of adding animations for some of the more challenging puzzles. Would’ve been cool to see evolutions have their own unique animations.

Game is mad pretty but everything else... wow... uhm... honestly, I literally don’t understand. The realism takes away so much from the game. It became unplayable for me after trying for awhile. I just couldn’t get into it. Everything you do takes so long because of their dedication to realism.

If I loot someone or something, just give me a menu to decide what to take, don’t do an animation or make it hard for me to see or decide. You don’t need to open cabinets and chests to loot them. It’s just so many inconveniences. Not to mention lack of customization for the crosshair. Should I be sitting in front of my 55inch tv? Because I can’t see the HUD or UI at all. And everything is written in messy cursive. I can read and write in it but it’s borderline illegible and only some of it provides subtitles for it.

Arthur sucks too. I did not like and him and willingly choose to not spend anymore time with him.

Overall, I did not enjoy myself at all and I was waiting for it to get better or more fun—it never did. I assume this is controversial but I tried and it just... I tried so hard to like it.


I’ve been streaming this game for months upon months now and the content never stops. I have 70+ hours in it and it’s absolutely surreal how much there is to do and it never ends. I recommend it a ton!

No seriously, I’m not even halfway through the content.

For an anime game, it is beautiful, ambitious, and made with love. The game itself is open world so it’s a lot of repetitive nonsense which I don’t usually personally enjoy. The reward for doing them was cute interactions between characters to which I felt was worth it.

Goes through the main story, no filler. Some stuff is toned down. All in all, it was neat to go through the story again.

Lots of extras which might not appeal to some people due to my first point. Mostly gathering, battles, locating dragon balls, etc.

I enjoyed my time with the game (got the Plat trophy, pretty easy to do) and if you are a DBZ fan, it’s definitely worth picking up on sale unless you’re bothered by anything I mentioned earlier. I know a non DBZ game with these quests and what not would’ve bored me to death and I recognize that haha.

One more thing is I really enjoyed the movement. Flying around, running, jumping, fighting, it all felt so good to do.

Oh and they remembered Launch.

First time playing. Great characters, great story, great combat. Estelle is bae

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This game is going to easily become a cult classic. It’s extremely experimental and suffers from some issues but the ride is worth it.


It’s a very glitchy mess but if you enjoyed the board game in V3, it is worth looking into. I think the V3 version is much better though.

The story takes too long to develop but it’s good. Is it worth it? Probably? But I’d say wait for a sale.

Cute and short. To be honest, I wasn’t too keen on Maria’s VA. Seemed so wooden and just reading the lines rather than—well, acting. So that out a damper on some of the cuteness for me. Puzzles were too easy for me but I’m sure this game will tickle some buttons. Overall, I still enjoyed it.

This game hurt my hands but there is something about the exploration in this game that I loved.

And there is a baby Metroid.





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I assume people will come flame me. This is my first time playing any Metroid games. So, I have no nostalgia glasses or memories attached. That’s probably my problem. Anyways, here was my issues with it:

I’ve been playing them in order but doing the remakes (if any) rather than their original releases. So first I played Zero Mission then Samus returns on 3DS and now I am on Super Metroid.

Super Metroid is very clearly where every game in exploration action comes from. It’s definitely the defining moment in the genre that shaped gaming and still does. My issues with it were the ones that were definitely fixed in the remakes and those in the genre today: navigation, flexibility of combat and progression.

All three of those really caused me trouble in SM and constantly getting lost was frustrating. The icing on the cake, though, was how I thought I knew where I was going only to run into walls or unsure how to continue.

Going through that again and again tilted me. The other two I played, yeah, I got lost but it wasn’t for very long. SM was almost hellbent on making me backtrack in a way that made me wanna throw my controller.

I decided to instead, move to Metroid Fusion and just read the plot instead of playing it.


Anyways, that reveal would’ve made me cry

Just kidding, I cried reading the f***ing wikipedia article. I’m real upset my baby died…

ANYWAYS. Looking forward to Fusion. Sorry that I didn’t like it you guys. I feel like a failure but I’d rather have fun instead of fighting through something I don’t like.

Despite silly touch controls, the game maintains the absolute joys of the original chibi-robo on the GameCube. The sound design definitely isn’t as strong since the DS sound card isn’t as, well, good as the GC. Nevertheless, the third entry into the Chibi-Robo franchise nails it!

I love the characters and the concept but I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would.

Nothing wrong with the game really, I just didn't enjoy the way the game played. I like VNs for their... kind of... single player-ness. This VN was definitely mainly made for couch play. I knew that going in but was hoping for some mellow play on my own. I somehow still felt extremely stressed.

I do think this would still be a fun multiplayer game, I am just not that into it :(

Played on the PS5, Royal edition, got the platinum trophy

I skipped this game for so long because it is:
1. Open world
2. Only 4 party system
3. Only boys
4. Action JRPG

I had very low expectation for this boy band simulator. Honestly, though, the game far exceeded anything I thought it’d be able to accomplish including me actually enjoying it.

There is a lot of complaints: time convenience stuff like climbing ladders takes 100 years, walking through dungeons is SO SLOW, combat fields are very easy to walk out of on accident, grading system is annoying and irrelevant for the most part, open world is fairly empty, etc.

Somehow none of that bothered by as much as it would any other game. I’m not married to Final Fantasy. I love a lot of them but it isn’t even in my top 10 franchises but there was something about this game that kept me going from beginning to end. The boys are great (iggy best boy) and they’re probably the biggest crutch of the entire game. They truly carry it with their fun back and forths, silly side quests, character moments, personal development and overall group development.

I always enjoyed the battle system. Felt really fun to warp strike, chain combo and even use magic. I enjoyed myself almost every fight. I could do without lvl 3 monsters trying to engage me when I’m level 81 but shrug

I honestly can’t truly explain why I enjoyed this game so much. I’ve played many games that shared one or many of these shared issues that I dropped like a hat because it can be frustrating. I’d rather play a game I have fun with vs trying to play the “don’t worry it gets good” games. Somehow though—this game clicked. Despite my complaints, it pulled through and came together to be a wonderful and unique experience.

Still though, Iggy is the best boy. Don’t @ me

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(Played on PS5 via 1.5+2.5/Streamed/finished both story arcs)

I went into this game with exceptionally low expectations. The fandom shits on this game like no tomorrow so I thought this was going to be a bit of a slog. I am streaming all Kingdom Hearts games in some shape or form in release date order. I was dreading this game after getting through the original Kingdom Hearts. I enjoyed the original a lot, especially replaying it.

To my surprise, I enjoyed the majority of the game. Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories grabbed me via the story, gameplay, deck building and quick time actions (through sleights). I enjoyed Sonic Blade and Blitz the most. Not because they were kind of broken or anything XD

Riku's arc grew thin on me because my favorite part was learning my deck, getting attached to the strategy I built only for that part I really enjoyed to be taken away.

Granted, Riku's Arc had me guessing more than Sora's. Sora's big plot points were wildly predictable and I got so many things right way before they were revealed. The mysteries were still there but I was frustrated with how long it took to reveal the answers.

I do want to follow up with the only KH games I have played are 1 and 2 so this is the first time I am ever experiencing CoM in any shape or form. I am disappointed that the fandom hates it so much. It has a lot to offer gameplay wise and story was gripping enough. There is a lot to enjoy in this game. However, I do realize that all the things I like about it could be the reason why people didn't enjoy it. I don't think it deserves the mass hatred it has in the fandom.

I am also in the middle of the GBA version on the side and it isn't so bad. My only complaint is the lack of a dedicated dodge button. Otherwise, I am enjoying that version as well.

Anyways, I enjoyed it. I wish others enjoyed it, too.

This game is wild. The story is very interesting and I’m always happy to see a cyberpunk story that doesn’t brand Japanese/Asian people as the antagonist. Really annoying.

Anyways, I’ll probably do more than one playthrough but it is just such a fascinating game. I’ll will probably recommend it to people. It’s quite unique.