26 reviews liked by Krampus

One of the best rpg's of the decade, worth the wait

one time i saw a sped kid playing this back in elementary school and i remember he shat himself on a jumpscare

First final fantasy I've played and a great start. It's definitely pushed me to try more of the series.

Why the fuck is this shit not just called the Doki Doki poetry club, like come on I thought we were gonna pull up and start reading Moby Dick or The Great Gatsby but no we just write poems? YOUR SIMULATION SUCKS MONIKA.

Open-mindedness will really take you a long way when your critiques of a game come from non-sensical arguments surrounding plot and characters that feature extreme depth that you arrogantly choose to ignore.
Tears were shed, eyes were opened, play this game.

One of my favorite games of all time, so much passion was put into this. The story and characters are phenomenal, gameplay is just a step above remake, it was everything that it needed to be

Davey Wreden casualling solo-releasing a genuine expression of the heart that goes beyond the line of phenomenality

Logging this here because I can't log it on Goodreads

Peak. So Peak. Game's combat is slower than my nan on a wheelchair powered by snails however.