65 reviews liked by Krebszy


The Ancient Gods – Part One is more of the same. It doesn’t add too much new content other than a few levels and a couple of new enemies— which are all fairly annoying to fight. They come across as too gimmicky, with most of them being centered around you waiting to shoot them; the spirit in particular is really frustrating and doesn’t mesh well with the gameplay that the base game set out to make.

This DLC adds three new levels which all take you to unique environments separate from the base game, and they’re all mostly cool! but the first one is easily my favourite. It’s giving Kamino vibes and I love it for that, it’s also stunning because of the rain effects, making it the best-looking level in the game by far. It obviously helps that the layout is great too— having a strong emphasis on platforming and getting around the oil rig; I also noticed how narrow a lot of the rooms and areas are, adding to the difficulty aspect because you can’t dodge as easily, which forces you to be more precise with your shooting and movement. It’s definitely the most unique of the bunch.

The second level was when I started to find the DLC a bit repetitive. It wasn’t trying to do anything new, and with a game like DOOM Eternal… that’s a very bad thing. The base game was constantly adding new mechanics and enemies throughout every single level, which is a huge reason as to why it was so well paced and enjoyable; and The Ancient Gods – Part One does the exact opposite of this, they don’t add much of anything, and even drag out the fights. This doesn’t make much sense when you really think about it, I know they wanted to make the DLC more difficult, but prolonging the fights is a bad way of doing it. A better way of increasing the difficulty would’ve been through level design and enemy variety— which the first level excelled at as I’ve already pointed out. The boss fight in the second level wasn’t great either, it’s literally the turret enemy except it sometimes teleports around— it’s lackluster and incredibly easy (even on nightmare).

The third level was also eh. Nothing is able to beat the first level’s visual fidelity and immaculate design; I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if The Ancient Gods – Part Two doesn’t live up to it. The best thing about the third level is the boss fight, which is miles better than the previous one, and is actually hard (although not that hard on nightmare).

I know most of this review has been me hating on it, but I honestly still really enjoyed it for what it was, which is just more DOOM Eternal; and that in of itself will always be good fun. Extra points for having the “intern” give a doomguy reference.

DLC's - Ranked
2020 - Ranked


The Ancient Gods - Part Two is a fairly satisfying and enjoyable conclusion to DOOM Eternal, even if it’s still just more of the same. I seem to be in the minority— wherein most people preferred part one, I actually think part two does a lot better— more consistently. The levels don’t drop off in quality after the first one, the enemies fit into the flow of combat a lot better, and I liked the inclusion of the hammer; although it does decrease the difficulty by quite a bit.

All of the new environments are gorgeous, even if they don’t live up to the first level of part one; but I was expecting that to be the case so it’s not that big of a deal. Reclaimed Earth was especially creative and fun, I like the lush green look of it all; and it’s cool how it’s comprised of skyscrapers, alleyways, and other city-esque stuff. I just found it really fun.

The third level had the spectacle down— with an all-out war happening in the background, but failed with the complexity of the layout. It’s pretty much just a straight pathway down to the finish line, which makes it bland and boring to progress through. The boss fight at the end isn’t horrible by any means, but it definitely goes on for way too long with little to no change in approach for each phase… and there’s five of them! The cutscenes throughout the DLC go fucking hard though…

DLC's - Ranked
2021 - Ranked

this game awoke the demons inside of me


Why do so many people seem to think that this is the holy grail of Ubisoft games? It's more repetitive than their most recent ones and people always bring up Vaas as the one saving factor when he's barely in the game and isn't at all a good character, his performance is the only memorable thing about him. Every single character is a raging stereotype and every piece of accompanying dialogue seems like it was written by a 14 year old that thinks they know how real people speak.

The story is no better, it has no sense of pace or complexity or nuance, the whole game is basically one giant fetch quest with the occasional "destroy this location" mission being thrown in. Act 2 was especially boring, of the missions that I can actually remember the ones where you have to find a compass and then its multiple pieces was some of the most boring shit I've played in a long time, same with that one mission at the end of the game where you have to sneak past a million guards without being detected, like how is that supposed to be fun? Who approved that?

The open world is horrible as well, the setting is just not fucking fun man... the terrain is a nightmare to traverse when you don't have the wingsuit which is for 2/3 of the game but by then it's too late because the game is almost over and you don't even get that many chances to use it if you're not specifically looking to use it. This game is just bland bland BLAND

So yeah, probably the worst Far Cry game.

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
Ubisoft - Ranked
Far Cry - Ranked
2012 - Ranked

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Jane really did all that JUST to prove a point?? What a fucking dumbass man...

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I'm so tired of The Walking Dead franchise for constantly killing off so many main characters in the first couple of seasons. It ruins the franchise in the long run because you end up with a bunch of mediocre/underdeveloped characters that you literally do not give a single shit about. Like it honestly gets really tedious seeing so many of them die for seemingly no reason at all—apart from giving the game some shock value. They then end up introducing a lot of new people... that also die during a single season—which doesn't affect the player whatsoever; like god forbid they allow a handful of characters to survive throughout the entire series (based on your decisions of course and not just the illusion of choice) in order to give them an arc of sorts, and thus in turn make you more attached to them. It's such a major problem with Telltale's version of this universe (and very largely the show too).

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
Telltale's The Walking Dead Seasons - Ranked
Telltale Games - Ranked
2013 - Ranked


The textures kept distracting me almost every minute, I couldn't stop looking at them, like why are they so fucking bad? the clothes look pretty good but then all the environments have textures that could be mistaken for a PS2 game... did they even try?

Every Game I've Ever Played - Ranked (By Score)
Telltale's The Walking Dead Seasons - Ranked
Telltale Games - Ranked
2016 - Ranked

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This was a huge disappointment... I don't get why they decided to end it like that, you don't get a choice as to whether Clementine lives or dies, or even something else that isn't so black and white. But instead... they bait you into thinking she died because she was bitten (in a really dumb fucking way that makes ZERO sense) and then surprise, she's alive... somehow?? Even though she definitely should've turned by the game's logic, it's honestly offensive considering they could've done at least 2 endings and not have to worry about continuing those endings into another season since this is definitively the last one. It really just made me not care about the rest of the episode as soon as the bite happened because I saw it coming 10 minutes before it even fucking happened.

I also feel like this season was heading in a good direction regarding choices, when I finished the first episode (which was by far the best one) it was introducing a lot of new ways that choices COULD affect AJ, like how small dialogue options finally mattered and could change him and his behaviour, but they don't; not really anyways which sucks because the first episode made it out to be like they did, but I guess I shouldn't expect much from Telltale at this point when they pump out these games nonstop with almost no effort put into the choice aspect; which is literally the whole reason most people buy them in the first place.

This is so Batman, I love it.

This fucking slaps! Dare I say Telltale at its best? I teared up twice in the house section when you have to comfort a kid that just lost his parents, it's just such powerful stuff man. Batman is at his best when he's depicted more so as a symbol of hope rather than vengeance because there's just something so heartwarming seeing someone who lost his parents to uncontrollable circumstances comfort someone that went through an extremely similar experience, it's amazing how Bruce can turn that loss into hope which can inspire people and make them feel safer, it's peak batman storytelling and it's probably the main thing that makes him such a compelling character. Oh my god I fucking loved this episode SO MUCH

16 lists liked by Krebszy