An enjoyable portable version of the mercenaries for the 3DS. Could use more content, and Leon is strangely absent, but worth getting if you want to play mercs on the run.

Hiding behind 500 layers of irony and a strange false premise of being a game a guy made when he was 16, Slayers X is a fairly decent first person shooter.
Level design is nothing to write home about and enemy variety is limited, but what elevates the game is a fairly unique arsenal of weapons. A melee weapon that doubles as a short range but strong projectile when you have close to max "hackblood", a shotgun that recontextualizes how you view the environment, as glass shards are ammo, and a grenade launcher that spawns swarms of rats, the weapons mix things up from the usual shooter fare.
Unfortunately fairly unfunny, crass toilet humour rears its ugly head with monsters made of poo, constant jokes about banging moms, and intentional misspellings and irony-laden one liners. It's also short, but at the very least it never overstays its welcome. Although even in this short runtime I had one crash and a consistent bug with dead enemies making constant noise.

It's only after playing this game that I discover it's some sequel or spinoff to Hypnospace Outlaw. A game I haven't played. Maybe playing that beforehand would've elevated my opinion of this game, but as it stands I found Slayers X to be a decent romp, but not worth running out and playing before any other classic shooter or modern classic style game.

The Wii U's swansong is just as good as all of its highest quality exclusives.

One of the weakest sequels of all time. Ruining everything that made the first game special and adding nothing to the mix to make up for it.

Resident Evil 4 on the wii provides an extra layer of catharsis to the already rock solid RE4 experience.

While not a total reimagining of the game, the motion controls do enough to change the experience. Motion controlled aiming allows for quicker reflexes while in combat, but also more tense and stressful situations when you're overwhelmed. Leon's built-in sway when aiming is still present, but somewhat less noticeable as it blends in with your own sway from holding the wiimote.
Unlike other versions of the game, you will always have a reticle on screen, meaning you can preemptively aim at a foe before holding down the B button to enter the shooting stance. While this can make the game somewhat easier than playing on controller, it feels natural and the transition is smooth.
Swiping the wiimote while not in the shooting stance will make Leon automatically target and slash at the closest thing to him with his knife, whether that's the boxes scattered throughout the game, or an enemy right by him. Another convenience feature that, to an extent, makes the game easier, as Leon targets the objects and enemies faster than the player would by holding the knife button and aiming at what they want to attack.

The Wii Edition of RE4 sacrifices minor challenge by providing unique motion control features not present in other versions. And while this may be disappointing to more hardcore fans of the game, it's a welcome change of pace from the traditional controller gameplay.

I played an hour and a half and got bored.

Best switch game.
PlatinumGames finally made another fresh, original game after years of stagnation.
Interesting combat thanks to the legion system. It's what Chaos Legion should've been.

The PS3 classic that started the series off, and manages to still be the best one.

Naughty Dog's best game. Superb collectathon platformer with great music, impressive visuals and performance for 2001, seamless world, and fantastic mechanics that feel good every second of playtime.

Lacking in content and even features that were present in New Leaf had at its launch, new horizons has nothing of value and is a waste of time and money.

Great third person shooter with some very minor survival horror elements. The escort AI never gets annoying and the game continually ramps up enemy encounters throughout. Quick Time Events are way too hard at 60fps, and it controls like crap on mouse and keyboard. Deserves its legacy.

A messier and less tight sequel to 1, and 2, RE3 manages to stand on its own as a more linear, action packed experience by adding the now series standard quickturn, and an akward combat dodge that you need to time.
Despite some issues I have with the game, the titular Nemesis creates amazing tension throughout, and helps elevate the title higher than it would be otherwise.

Played this for some reason.
If I was a little girl I would feel ripped off.