Not... that good? Far too limited of a game to be honest. An okay time waster, and does harken back to the time of Newgrounds flash in a fashion but I'm not sure I can really get into it like I did those back in the day.

A decent game that contains that grid based inventory we've been missing out on for so long.

The winning recipe was increasing the noodle count and adding so much more 'world' you barely know where to start.

Has some amazing fantasy concepts in general and really perfects the formula of the last game.

Probably one of the deepest and oddest strategy games I've ever played.

Genuinely recommend it if one cares little for graphics and likes 'weird' difficulty ideas. The sheer scale of combat depth in the auto battle system here continues to amaze me.

Definitely an improvement on some of the mechanics from Planetfall. Does improve with the DLC, and the latest patch fixed several problems present from the start.

I am far from an unbiased source on this one as I've been playing these since forever. Expect this to remain a favorite once the final set of DLCs drop in 2024.

An interesting short experience of exploration and underwater mining.

Shows the issues of being a single developer project, but still impressive for what it achieves despite this.

An interesting Contra-lite, though while the graphics are fairly good it feels like it's missing out by not including a more complete move set (shooting up/down) compared to the old classics.

An interesting adventure puzzle game. Pretty hard at times but not that long. Harkens back to an older kind PC adventure game where the puzzles were on the more difficult end of the spectrum and somewhat artificial. A decent enough horror experience with neat twists and turns in the story and a good love letter to the original games.

Post update wood elf campaign.

An 'okay' puzzler I guess, no Escape Goat in terms of presentation or soundtrack but some neat gimmicks.

Menu/level controls definitely need some work.

Not the best shmup on the switch by a fair measure, but interesting graphics and some really out there boss designs for an older game do make it stand out. The special weapon system is a tad weird though.

A fun game with a interesting gimmick. Short, but sweet experience.

Extremely good.

Might even say better than Bloodborne.

An extremely good evolution of the playstyle of Age of Wonders 3. The latest updates, particularly the galactic empire mode, represent a massive move forward that will hopefully remain present in whatever from AoW takes next.