very fun but runs like ass on my computer; i get constant latency issues

there's a lot of stuff in this game i feel conflicted about but this game is too special that it's hard for me to complain

i played the entirety of this game while watching some of the most cringeworthy episodes of nathan for you so i hope that didn't subconsiously affect my score but this game is cute and fun

its alright with friends i guess

kinda sad i slept on this for so long. the game is so full of charm and the rhythm based gameplay compliments it perfectly. we need more unique and consistent games like this now more than ever

this game may be a buggy piece of shit but its MY buggy piece of shit

i've 100%'d this game more times than i count, i absolutely love it. mario has never felt any better to control, and cappy makes platforming extremely satisfying

feel oddly conflicted with this game. combat is some of the best of the franchise, but personally the story didn't hit that hard compared to past titles (outside of a few key moments). obviously still an incredible game

typically not a fan of metroidvanias but this game is a real treat. would not expect any less from the rayman legends team

absurdly long and the beginning is kinda rough, but halfway through chapter 3 the game really starts to pick up. probably one of the best stories out of the franchise

i think this is objectively the best platform fighter

i mean its good but i wasn't really impressed by a whole lot (outside of the physics engine because that is black magic). the closest thing was the underworld, but it got obnoxious to navigate fast. only reason i had as much fun as i did with the game was because of the duplication glitch. also the story is like really bad. i'm being pretty negative here but i still enjoyed it a fair bit, most will like it more than me

completely ruined the franchise for me