103 Reviews liked by Kurogawa

I just couldn't take to this. I appreciate what they did to change up the levels in creative ways, but every time I sat down with it I just got a bit bored, before eventually giving up.

Not as good as they say, didn't deserve the goty nomination

Has some standout levels, but never quite blew me away. The wonder flowers are also a mixed bag seeing the levels change is super cool but many of them were effectively less interesting cappy transformations or even just turning the level into an auto-scroller. Looks, sounds and plays wonderfully.

Fuck being sad that Mario RPGs don't have "deep" stories anymore, I'm sad that Mario RPGs won't be this completely unhinged anymore. Between Mario almost punching a child, the late-game boss that ends with what is effectively a suicide joke, and like half the shit that Ted Woolsey added, I never knew how much I wanted a Mario game with this much unhinged energy.

Bursting with creativity and charm, this is what made me realize as a kid that video games weren't just a toy.

The upcoming remake is something I desperately wanted, but never thought would actually come to fruition. I can't begin to describe my excitement.

Like most people of a similar age, this alongside Pokemon was, more or less, my introduction to the turned based JRPG...and it hasn't quite reached or surpassed those levels ever since

Seriously, this game is wonderful...almost no fat, pretty much perfectly paced, wonderful characters, virtually no level grinding to speak of...this is a standard on which other games in this genre should strive to meet, as far as I'm concerned; all time good stuff

Brimming with charm, sharp comedic writing, and steady pacing, Super Mario RPG for the SNES is a truly special experience that left me grinning ear to ear the entire time. I am no stranger to Mario RPGs. I have experience with both the Mario & Luigi series and Paper Mario. While those games reinvent, expand, and refine the formula started by Super Mario RPG, there is something incredibly endearing about the simplicity found in this game. The characters are charismatic, the world is wondrous, the music is jubilant, and the writing is impressively amusing. It is a rare RPG that I began and played non-stop until rolling credits, completely hooking me with its charm till the very end.

This game is incredible. Even the issues I have with it are only "bad" because the rest of the game is amazing. Like it's negatives are parts of other games where I'd say "This is pretty good". It's the worst part of an amazing game, that is still pretty good by overall gaming standards, but feel bad by comparison to the rest of the game.

I'd call it my GOTY if I hadn't played the entire "Trails" series this year.

this game is so far up its own ass that its head forms a protective shell from its own body and pokes out creating an entirely new game that's completely shit because it's inside its ass and has no direction because it can't see because again its up its own ass

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It just feels like a fan fiction with unneeded padding. I don’t want to sound like a nostalgia hungry millennial and I’m not. I’m 20 and I played the original when I was 19 and I vastly prefer the original. The extremely sluggish side quests and lingering bits in the story completely suck all the enjoyment I have out of this combined with the press square to win combat carried by pretty visuals make this feel like I’m playing a dynasty warriors game except the fun part is gone. My least favorite aspect of all is the changes to the story and the seemingly fourth wall breaking behavior sephiroth and the cloaked ghosts literally beating you over the head with what they’re an allegory for. The Zack revival stuff is hilarious it’s like something out of a shounen anime. One of my few praises for the remake is the soundtrack though but it’s final fantasy so I’m not saying anything new with that

So, people hated Final Fantasy XIII for its linearity, and they hated Final Fantasy XV for being an unfinished mess. Here we have FFVII Remake, which is linear and an unfinished mess, which gets critical acclaim? Well, OK then.

This game is my Moby Dick. I feel insane every time I see discourse surrounding it.

The story is nonsense. Most of the chapters are filler. The characters are uncharismatic and uninteresting. Gameplay is slow and clunky. Side quests are fetchy garbage.

As far as positives, Midgar is a pretty cool-ass setting, even if it's not utilized well at all, and the story beats that attempt to build up a mystery for later, through the visions, are decently well made.

All that said, I kind of hate this game, and I'm very surprised that I seem to be the old man shouting at clouds in this discussion.

Maybe if I'd played the original I'd like this more, but I don't think so.

it's been such a long time since i've played a game that felt like homework. i really wanted to like this game, i don't enjoy being the person who now hates square and the games they make. but good christ is this one just such a misfire for me.

and that's fine i guess, because the reception for this has been mostly positive. i just hate the direction square's taking with its games. instead of giving us solid JRPGs, now they keep trying to shove down the action RPG/JRPG hybrid that just does not work for me. they're watering down both genres to make this messy combination that fails to embrace the highs of either genre while being stuck in a land of mediocrity. your party AI is just outright horrible; party members will only attack whenever they feel like it (read: once every 30 seconds). and jesus christ every boss encounter now has to be this big epic ordeal. every single boss is about 60% longer than it needs to be. i think what's worse is that you give such special significance to random bosses like the airbuster. the airbuster was a random throwaway mech, now it has a chapter's worth of buildup and hype despite still being a random throwaway mech. who requested this?

i'm very cynical about the narrative being told here. on the one hand, yes it's cool that they're developing and fleshing out characters like biggs, wedge, and jessie. on the other hand, to what fucken end? we all know that bwj have next to no impact on the main plot, and sure enough, that remains the same here. the remake introduces a bunch of superfluous characters that don't add anything to the plot instead of focusing on developing the ones that we already care about. i think worst of all is just the god damn padding that's rife throughout this game. so much time is dedicated to stretching out existing segments of VII to fit a 30-40 hour playthrough. remember the motorcycle minigame that no one liked? well now you have to play it twice, and each time you have to fight a boss. remember the don corneo plot detour that took like, 10-15 minutes to take care of? now you have to do a bunch of pointless arena battles and sidequests just to get it done.

like the general plot beats are all the same, they're just inflated with padding to stretch out the game's length. we know the story that's trying to be told here, why waste time fucking around? when people said "i wish we saw more of midgar", they didn't mean like this. the worst part is that we don't even SEE more of midgar. we still explore almost exclusively the same exact locations, just in HD graphics. why not use this remake to explore the other sectors of midgar that never get seen? or just like... give more plot beats to work with. this game gorges on nostalgia for original so hard that it loses focus on actually being fun to play. so much of this game just feels like an exercise in excess.

again, it's cool that people get value out of this game and enjoy it in ways i only wish i could, but this has really just killed any faith i had in square making a JRPG i would enjoy again.