102 Reviews liked by Kurogawa

The combat in XVI is amazing. The sheer spectacle of the boss battles is unprecedented in the games industry (I think everyone should experience the bahamut fight at least once in their life). The story is spectacular and refreshingly mature, while still often capturing the charm that is at the core of the FF franchise. It's a shame that even with all that going for it people still choose to complain about how there aren't enough shiny markers and random weapons or whatever on the open field. This is genuinely one of the best action rpgs of all time, and it's one of those cases where I think it's paramount you ignore other's opinions and try it for yourself.

A lovely game and it does worth playing, took me around 11h to beat it. And yeah you'll die alot...

The only thing that I hated about it is :/ what kind of Ninja that doesn't Dash :(

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One of a kind covering almost every aspect of its beauty!
My drawbacks are:
- Not the best story you can get out of Yakuza games
- Feels like they rushed the last 2 chapters as well as the ending
- You have to buy the dlc to have New Game+
- Weapons & Armors prices in the game feels off

One of the greatest experiences in a Final Fantasy game.

Such a great narrative that helps us push forward our limits, our destiny and to accept ourselves.

Dont think I've ever had so many boss fights in one game induce so many pants-soiling moments. Bahamuts fight will be a core memory for as long as I live. Just wish there was a little more RPG to it, but they killed the Action part of it the game

A good gameplay with a mediocre storyline, not bad characters design though.

Alright, I downloaded it, played a couple sessions, popped a couple of trophies, and I'm out.

Look, I don't think it's necessarily bad, I just don't think I'm the target audience at all. Certain elements about it seem pretty polished. The gameplay ranges from alright to kinda frustrating depending on which character you play with.

But yeah, not for me. Moving on.

This game reminds me alot of Rebuild of Evangelion. Overlong reimaginings with modernizations that miss the point of the original and meta that never goes beyond the level of pointing out the original exists.

To quote ZephSilver: "These films aren't necessarily for fans but more so for diehard fanatics. And you know what? That's fine."

Not my final fantasy game mostly feels like filler compared to the original

deltarune fans need to pay their respects where they're due

A demo é exaustiva e o jogo parece um tutorial interminável. Certamente, a Square Enix perdeu toda a credibilidade ao dividir este game em partes, alegando que seria uma abordagem melhor. No entanto, para quem jogou, fica evidente que tudo não passou de uma mentira.

(A tired demo, the game feels like an eternal tutorial, for sure Square Enix lost all honor by splitting this game into parts with the argument that it would be better, and those who played know that it's all a lie.)

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I tried 3 times to pick up and play this game.
The first time when it released and I was blown away. I hated this game, I thought they completely fucked it up. The second time I tried again in like 2022 and I got about halfway and I still hated the game. The third time this year I played it to the finish after finishing ff16. I still hate this game, but I hate it less. Square came into this one with a few good maybe even great ideas. The combat for instance is a real highlight. I did not like it my first few tries but after playing ff16 I started to see and get an appreciation for square’s modern vision of how combat is supposed to work for final fantasy. This game however is not as fleshed out a vision as ff16. The pace is too broken up by having to control 3 characters at the same time. A problem which I feel would have been alieviated by utilizing final fantasy 12’s gambit system. Apparently rebirth is implementing some version of this, if done properly it could be amazing, we will wait and see.

Story wise, holy shit this is where the problems start cooking. This is not a remake, this is something or a sequel in a strange way. I love the idea but hate the execution. My theory is that all the events of the original have occurred in a previous looped universe, sephiroth has memories from this previous universe and I believe aerith does too. An interesting idea but why is it executed so strangely. Most of the changes to the canon do not feel as interesting or inspired as the original(for instance the scene with the shinra president is not as impactful as the original). I don’t like all the foreskin ghosts running around everywhere I feel like it could have been done in a more interesting way. The foreskin ghosts are called whispers and apparently they appear when the timeline is diverging(this is the crux of my theory that the events have already occurred and it was caused by sephiroth because who else would cause it). The handling of sephiroth is also a sore point for me. The excuse they gave for having him appear so much is because players are familiar with him already. What made him so impactful in the original is that he’s got like 7 minutes of screen time aside from his boss fights. What is the point of ruining all the mystery just so you can throw him on screen. They killed all the drama around it, miserable.

I don’t like the music, I don’t like how the environment looks. This is supposed to be a gritty steampunk world, why do we have a high def orchestra and extremely pristine rendered environments. The Lofi synthesizers worked so well in the original, made it feel desolate and hollow, eerie and liminal. Having a blown out orchestra is just a different kind of vibe. Also like there was a kind of charm to the original pre rendered backgrounds that is lost here.

Also whose idea was it to only have the game take place in Midgar and why did they stretch out the different sections of the game. Like the train graveyard is like 3 hours long and in the original I feel like it was 30 min or so.

Chapter 17 is the worst part of this game. Whoever had any hand in designing that should be sent to prison. Why do they keep splitting up the party, why do I have to unlock a bunch of doors, why is it so long, why is it so repetitive, why why why.

One thing I speculate about this game is that it is going to be a very bad time to play as a single game by playing all three of them back to back. Why? Because ff7 has a complete arc inside of itself, you have the build up to a climax and then a conclusion and is that going to happen again at the end of rebirth??? How many climaxes we gonna have? 3? There is a reason we don’t write stories like this. Sephiroth’s impact is gonna be ruined by this game having him as the last boss of it. Please square do better with rebirth.

Just want to say here first they aren’t killing aerith in the next one. I got 5 bucks on it.

It's astounding to see how bad they ruined the atmosphere of the game. The plot has been dropped and the characters have been re-written to match their Advent Children counterparts. This is not a remake, or a remaster, this is a reboot, and I think its a far worse game for it.

After playing the Rebirth demo, I feel the need to call this game dogshit again


I hate literally every character and story beat in this game. It's miserable. The gameplay is second best in the series after Conquest imo.