This game is not good. Badly designed levels, horrible difficulty spikes, and uninspired boss fights that are difficult for the sake of being difficult. Easily the worst game in the series.

Another open-world game that starts off strong but ends up being too bloated. By the final area, I just ran past all the side quests and rushed to finish the game.

Great combat, good characters, an okay story. Overall good, but bogged down by repetition.

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Edelgard route is cannon. It's the only route that frees humanity from the tyranny of the church and crests. All other routes perpetuate the same broken system that has brought so much misery to pretty much all the characters.

This game was my introduction to Western RPGS. I played a lot of JRPGs on home console, but this was my first WRPG and is the benchmark that I hold all other WRPGs to.

The shear scale of the world and the scope of what you could to in it blew my 10 year old mind. Want to rob the mint and then sell their gold bars back to them? Go ahead. Want to start a bar fight? Can do. Want to stack up some crates and walk along the roofs? Why not?

I have sunk hundreds, if not thousands of hours, into this game and I'm sure I'll play it again in the future.

This is an open world game done right. It's so good that other games start looking bad in comparison. Each time I got to a new area, I felt excited to explore and see what was out there, as opposed to say Assassin's Creed: Valhalla where it was just a constant loop of doing the exact same things over and over again.

I put 160 hours into my first playthrough and am excited to go back for more.

Another brilliantly done Ratchet & Clank game. Not much else to say here. If you enjoy over the top gameplay, crazy weapons, and fun writing, these games are for you.

Great game play and and absolutely gorgeous world. However, it suffers from being too big and too repetitive. Each new area feels like a slog after a while as it gives you the same things to do over and over again. Also, the quest design is poor even for an Assassin's Creed game. I can't list the number of times you come across an event or quest and the only direction they give you is "Oh, he went that way" and the NPC doesn't do anything to indicate any direction whatsoever.

This game had an amazing concept that became bogged down in the mire that is Ubisoft's lust for GaaS money.

Love Super Mario 3D World but the real joy of this cartridge is found in Bowser's Fury. Though on a small scale, it shows us what an open world Mario game can be and I loved it.

I love this remake. This is a remake done right. I vastly prefer this true to form remake to the bloated mess we got for FF7.

Terrible to call this cash grab a full Elder Scrolls experience.

Loved the remake of 1, but this was my first time every playing FF2. FF2 is by far the worse FF game out there. There is nothing good about the game at all.

Great games with terrible emulation.

3 on 3 combat is too difficult to keep track of.

Lost interest quick with this one. Not a fan of making me replay the same bits over and over again just to try and get a little bit further in the story.