Progression feels weird, but it's a fun idle game and the concept of just being on the bottom of your screen it's cool.

But, let me explain why the progression is really weird:
- There's a group of upgrades named "houses", that are basically new structures that spawns a character that helps you on specific things
- The first one you unlock is a NPC that is like Rusty (the initial character), it helps you building, making biomass, all of that.
- But the second and the third are a shop for decoration and a book of stats, things that are useless on progression and totally optional, shouldve on lategame and not on early.
- From fourth to sixth are useful, upgrading bots, more biomass generation, things that helps you progressing and going faster.
- Seventh one is last one, and it automatizates crop planting. IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE. You basically finished the game, you probably did a lot on the other shops, and you definitely don't need this in lategame, it's dumb, if you add full automatic gameplay in a game planned to be automatic, is so dumb to add it at the end.

You can do it the order you want, but you need to farm an impossible amount of money and biomass if you want to skip buildings at the point is useless to do that.

But well, the game is not bad, it's good, fun, addictive, and i'll probably try to do the 100% of the content of the game. So, yeah, the weird progression is not a major problem, but still a weird decision. Art style and character design is cool asf i'd wish there was dialogue with them or something, it's pretty sad there isn't.

EDIT: Another bad thing I forgot to say, there is no option to change game resolution, so in some screens the game shows too big. If you have a tiny screen, something lower than 1920x1080 I don't recommend buying the game if you want to have it always showing on your screen.

Fun enough for a couple hours with friends, but lacks content, something pretty understandable bc it was release like 2 days ago, but still a negative point. It's like Lethal Company but instead of stealing metal things and beating up a giant fly with a shovel you record a weird robot-dog with a laser gun killing your friend for likes on youtube. The roguelike-thing is kinda weird bc always feels the same scenario and there's not that much variation between runs, but still pretty fun. If this had mod support it would be really really better.

Pretty fun game, first time playing and feels really fun the fusion with rhythm and beat em' up-like feeling. It's a shame that it feels like 90% of the content is in the 30€ DLC, but what I have played rn it's pretty cool, with nice progression and cool music. Btw pretty sad it doesn't have any lvl editor or similar like Geometry Dash or Osu!, would love to see people making crazy impossible levels

I'm new to the game, like lvl 20, and i'm having a lot of fun for now. I think people hate the game just bc it's played by people that started 10 years ago and the community is really toxic, but it has a lot of characters, fun gameplay and really hard to master, with friends this game is really fun and addictive.
The problem starts when you play alone, that's the moment you realise your life is fucked up. I'm not at that point, so i'm safe (for now(help))

As a person that does not enjoy too much Pokemon videogames but loves the concept of collect them all, likes a decent story and lore and doesn't mind playing some cool puzzles in the middle on the adventure, this is really good.

Artistically it's really cool, in coromon design feels really unique if you compare it to all the pokemon in general, they look more like foes or agressive monsters not like pokemon that the 90% are friendly-shaped critters, and for me that's great and something that I personally like a lot.

The story isn't something mindblowing, but if we directly compare it to the majority of pokemon games' stories it's pretty good. Not amazing, but keeps you entertained. But something that I love is the bossfights. Unlike pokemon, there's no gym trainers or something like that, there's bosses. And the 6 bosses are great to fight, the unique problem I see here it's in the final one, that it's really easy (at least it was for my coromon).

And a really important part: customization. You can make the game easier, a challenge, or a gambling simulator. And that's amazing. You can do a run with the starter you want, or capture coromon of trainers, or with an advanced AI with limited coromon... It's crazy the amount of challenge and randomness you can give a run, and adds crazy amounts of replayability to a 30h game, which is something really hard in a linear game like this imo.

Overall, it's a good game if you like pokemon concept or something related to pokemon. The OST is meh and some decisions in the game are weird, but it's a really good solid game. And Frova is the best coromon btw.

This review was written before the game released

Played the demo. I can't stop playing help.

Boomer Shooter but it's extremely fast, epileptic and you don't understand absolutely nothing. And it's a really good roguelike with a good amount of variation, perfect art style and really fun gameplay. Worth trying and 100% will buy it when it's out.

It's literally Dark and Darker, and it's cool bc it's basically the same. Seems to have really similar assets, and the concept is the same, but gameplay changes a bit, same with classes. In general, it's good, but if this is not free it's not worth, being a literal clone of Dark and Darker.

Heavy downgrade from the original. You don't feel progress playing, and the change from 1 to 2 is basically inexistent. Idk if it's me or it's the game, but it's really boring and I don't want to play it anymore, it doesn't feel the same.

Idk why this was really hated, but for me (I'm not a competitive person, and also I only play the game for 2v2 bc i'ts the only gamemode I find fun to play) it's an improvement compared to CSGO. Better gameplay feeling, better UI, and better in all ways a simple sequel like this can be.

It's a solid competitive game, same as the last game, but it's a shame the fact that nobody can play CSGO anymore, tbh.

Man, there's really good ideas in this game, but well, it's a NetEase game and just wants to copy Tarkov in a cheap way to steal money with in-game purcharses. Still funny and can give you some hours, thought. Like I said, there's some ideas that are really cool like looting keys for special loot, or different ways to escape the map. And it's free, otherwise this game would be 1 star instead of 2,5 tbh.

When I saw this, I thought "this is 100% my type of game", and well, this is probably one of the best games i've ever played and i'm not even joking. All characters are AMAZING, has a great humor and still manages to scare you a lot of times, the ost is really cool, graphically and artistically is great and really unique, and the story is really confusing and ends really open, but man, IT'S INCREDIBLE. In level desing sometimes does some weird things, but you never feel bored playing. And man, 8 EUROS MAN BUY IT RN, if u liked Lethal Company this is basically where a lot of ideas came, LC is like a The Upturned online. So yeah, buy it asap, this is great.

(Tbh I didn't found something bad in this game, just things like how the story ends, the spam of escaping a lot of spammed enemies that wasn't a problem for me bc didn't feel repetitive, or things like Shrimp isn't real. But in general, it's perfect, at least for me.)

This is really good to be a default game in the console. Too short, but full of love and references to all PS games.


One of the most underrated games of all time. Maybe is not perfect in things like gameplay, music or level design (still really good, but nothing amazing), but man, THE STORY, THE CHARACTERS, THE LORE IS AMAZING. Almost EVERY CHARACTER IS MEMORABLE. And man, this game does not have a few characters. I'm being really serious that this is literally the best game if you like exploring and a good story, because it's AMAZING.

PD: It's pretty funny bc all games of Arkane are perfect in gameplay and they have a cool plot but thats all, nothing amazing, but this is the opposite lol

This game is TOO MUCH FUN. Played with and without mods, and the base game it's enough to be really enjoyable with 2 or 3 friends. It's really fun, the art style is really cool, the voice-chat is INCREDIBLE, everything in this game is near perfection. For me, a must-play, still fun with randoms (but don't recommend that, play with people you know for better experience).

If we ignore JPP1, this is the worst one IMO.

YDKJ is too hard to understand, and probably too american in some questions, but i didn't really understand how to play, what to answer, literally nothing, it's too weird in a really boring way. (1/10)

Mad Verse City is really hard to make it work, needs too much imagination and ends being boring and making people leave the game mid round. (2/10)

Zeeple Dome it's pretty good, but for playing alone or with friends in the same room, not in screen share. And gets boring pretty fast. But yeah, it's okay, like a weird angry-bird game. (5/10)

Patently stupid is actually pretty good if everyone follows the rules of the game. Easy to make fun situations and finishing one game makes you want to start another. (8/10)

And well, Split the Room, to be completely honest, is one of the best games Jackbox has ever made. Is extremely fun, easy to make your friends laugh and the same time hard to make the room split. It's great, and makes me really sad that the rest of the games are that bad (except Patently stupid). This is a 10/10 no doubt.